Fajardo Portillo Jose Oscar

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Datu pertsonalak

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Helbidea: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Email: joseoscar.fajardo@ehu.es
Teléfono: +34 94 601 7361


Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko Titulazioa

Titulua: Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza
Areagotzea: Telematika
Zentroa: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lorpen data: 2003


Egitarauaren titulua: Tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en Redes Móviles
DEA lorpen data: 2005
Título de la tesis:  Adaptación de los mecanismos de provisión de calidad de servicio a las preferencias de los usuarios (Adaptation of QoS provisioning mechanisms to user requirements)
Lorpen data: (Amaiturik gabe)


PQoS-driven VoIP Service Adaptation in UMTS Networks

Nagore Bilbao, Jose Oscar Fajardo, Fidel Liberal
2nd International Workshop on the Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation in the Future Internet (QoSIM 2009). Rome, Italy. March 6-8

<span lang="en">This paper shows the relevance of implementing a dynamic and real-time Voice over IP (VoIP) service adaptation mechanism in order to avoid Perceived Quality of Service (PQoS) degradations. We have studied the most relevant parameters affecting the PQoS experienced by end users in VoIP services over mobile accesses. We will describe the enhancements carried out in the implementation of the simulation model in order to assess VoIP PQoS based on ITU-T E-model and introduce a real-time service adaptation method. This adaptation method involves codec and packetization changes through SIP signalling, jointly to dejittering buffer management, and would be launched upon detection of PQoS degradation, in order to enhance end users' experience.</span>

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