Feevale University Opens Arms to Families Displaced by Rio Grande do Sul Floods

Heavy rains and floods wreaked havoc across Rio Grande do Sul, impacting 450 cities and leaving over 500,000 homeless, with 124 people tragically missing and 148 confirmed deaths. In response to this devastating situation, UNAI member Feevale University has become a haven for displaced families and their animals, actively working to rebuild the community.

Humanitarian mission to flooded areas of Guaíba e Eldorado do Sul.
Photo:Photo: Andrieli Siqueira/ Universidade Feevale

Worth Watching

SDG of the month

Icons of SDG 13, 14 and 15
SDG of the month

Goal of the Month | June 2024: Goals 13, 14 & 15 - Special Focus - Environment

Goals 13, 14, and 15 together represent this month's theme of 'environment'. This special focus reflects the absolute necessity of consolidated efforts to safeguard our planet’s climate, biodiversity and finite resources. The world continues to experience unprecedented environmental change and remains in the throes of a triple planetary crisis: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.  Learn how to Act Now towards our common future.