Ibarrola Armendariz, Eva

Ibarrola Armendariz, Eva

Datu pertsonalak

Ibarrola Armendariz, Eva

Helbidea: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Bulegoa: 3A17
Email: eva.ibarrola@ehu.es
Telefonoa: +34 94 601 3900
Faxa: +34 94 601 4259


Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko titulazioa

Titulua: Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza
Areagotzea: Radiokomunikazioak
Zentroa: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lorpen data: 1991


Egitarauaren titulua: Tecnologías de la Información
DEA lorpen data: 2001
Tesiaren izenburuaPropuesta de una metodología para la aplicación de un modelo para la gestión global de la QoS en un ISP, en el marco de la UIT-T G.1000.
Lorpen-data: 2010


Collaborative Testing Platform for Extensive QoS Experimental Scenarios

Eva Ibarrola, Armando Ferro, Luis Zabala
ITU-T Study Period 2009-2012 Study Group 11 - Contribution Geneva, Switzerland. June 11-15

Global interoperability testing, as defined in ITU T Q.3909, leads to complex experiments involving many actors and variables to be controlled. The definition and deployment of these experimental scenarios together with the development of the testing methodology is a major challenge that is essential for studying the impact of new technologies and networks on future society. This contribution proposes a collaborative testing platform (LabQoS) that provides the capability to define and share experimental scenarios and to test results. The platform has been designed to determine, develop and reproduce extensive QoS experimental scenarios and to make them available to researchers or members of standardization organizations in a collaborative environment.