Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Leire.ozaeta»

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
Sin resumen de edición
Sin resumen de edición
(No se muestran 6 ediciones intermedias del mismo usuario)
Línea 27: Línea 27:
* [http://www.ehu.eus/en/web/sistemasinformaticosavanzados/aurkezpena Master Degree in Advanced Computer Systems] (2014/2015) - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
* [http://www.ehu.eus/en/web/sistemasinformaticosavanzados/aurkezpena Master Degree in Advanced Computer Systems] (2014/2015) - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
*[http://www.ehu.eus/es/web/vicer.grado-innovacion/aurtengo-gradu-guztiak?p_p_id=upvehuapp_WAR_upvehuappportlet&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-2&p_p_col_pos=0&p_p_col_count=1&p_p_lifecycle=1&_upvehuapp_WAR_upvehuappportlet_action=redirectAction&reu=/pls/entrada/plew0040.htm_siguiente?p_sesion=&p_cod_idioma=CAS&p_en_portal=N&p_anyoAcad=act&p_cod_centro=226&p_cod_plan=GINFOR20&p_menu=intro Computer Science Engineer] (2010/2014) - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
*[http://www.ehu.eus/es/web/vicer.grado-innovacion/aurtengo-gradu-guztiak?p_p_id=upvehuapp_WAR_upvehuappportlet&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-2&p_p_col_pos=0&p_p_col_count=1&p_p_lifecycle=1&_upvehuapp_WAR_upvehuappportlet_action=redirectAction&reu=/pls/entrada/plew0040.htm_siguiente?p_sesion=&p_cod_idioma=CAS&p_en_portal=N&p_anyoAcad=act&p_cod_centro=226&p_cod_plan=GINFOR20&p_menu=intro Computer Science Engineer] (2010/2014) - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).

<h3> Working experience </h3>
<h3> Working experience </h3>
Línea 62: Línea 61:
; Manuel Graña, Leire Ozaeta, Darya Chyzhyk
; Manuel Graña, Leire Ozaeta, Darya Chyzhyk
: Resting State Effective Connectivity Allows Auditory Hallucination Discrimination. International Journal of Neural Systems, 27(05), 1750019.
: Resting State Effective Connectivity Allows Auditory Hallucination Discrimination. International Journal of Neural Systems, 27(05), 1750019.

<h3> 2016 </h3>
<h3> 2016 </h3>
; Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña
; Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña
: Agent-Based Spatial Dynamic Modeling of Opinion Propagation Exploring Delaying Conditions to Achieve Homogeneity. In International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education, pp. 177-185. Springer International Publishing.
: Agent-Based Spatial Dynamic Modeling of Opinion Propagation Exploring Delaying Conditions to Achieve Homogeneity. In International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education, pp. 177-185. Springer International Publishing.

<h3> 2015 </h3>
<h3> 2015 </h3>
Línea 93: Línea 90:
== Activities ==
== Activities ==
<h3> Review </h3>
<h3> Review </h3>
* ICEUTE 2018
* EUROCON 2015
* EUROCON 2015

Línea 99: Línea 97:
:'''Responsible investigator:''' Associate Professor Dr. Maya Dimitrova.  
:'''Responsible investigator:''' Associate Professor Dr. Maya Dimitrova.  

<img alt="Dolly at Zientzia Astea 2016" src="http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/images/leire_foto2.jpg" width="35%" style="float:right">
[[Archivo:Zientzia astea donostia 16.jpg|350px|thumb|right|Dolly @ Zientzia Astea 2016]]

<h3> Science communication </h3>
<h3> Science communication </h3>
Línea 106: Línea 104:
* Coordinator of the stand [http://zientzia-astea.org/es/schedule/charlando-con-robots/ "Charlando con robots / Robotekin hizketan"] at [http://zientzia-astea.org/es/ Zientzia Astea], San Sebastian, Spain, 3-5 November, 2016.  
* Coordinator of the stand [http://zientzia-astea.org/es/schedule/charlando-con-robots/ "Charlando con robots / Robotekin hizketan"] at [http://zientzia-astea.org/es/ Zientzia Astea], San Sebastian, Spain, 3-5 November, 2016.  
* Special event for children on sensitization on robotic research, San-Sebastian, Spain, November 11th, 2014.
* Special event for children on sensitization on robotic research, San-Sebastian, Spain, November 11th, 2014.

<h3> Organization </h3>
<h3> Organization </h3>
Línea 115: Línea 112:
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2015 [http://pyss15.pyss.org/ Pyss 2015], San Sebastian, Spain, 24-25 October, 2015.  
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2015 [http://pyss15.pyss.org/ Pyss 2015], San Sebastian, Spain, 24-25 October, 2015.  
* Local organizing committee member of [https://ep2015.europython.eu/en/ Europython 2015], Bilbao, Spain, 20-26 July, 2015.
* Local organizing committee member of [https://ep2015.europython.eu/en/ Europython 2015], Bilbao, Spain, 20-26 July, 2015.

<h3> Other activities </h3>
<h3> Other activities </h3>
Línea 122: Línea 118:
* Referee at First Lego League Open European Championship ( [http://www.flloec.com/ FLLOEC]), Pamplona, Spain, 28-31 May, 2014.
* Referee at First Lego League Open European Championship ( [http://www.flloec.com/ FLLOEC]), Pamplona, Spain, 28-31 May, 2014.
* Referee at First Lego League ([http://www.firstlegoleague.es/ FLL]), 2013 - present.
* Referee at First Lego League ([http://www.firstlegoleague.es/ FLL]), 2013 - present.

== Congress of interest ==
== Congress of interest ==
* [http://xva.life/ ALIFE], Cancun, Mexico, 4-8 July, 2016.
* [http://xva.life/ ALIFE], Cancun, Mexico, 4-8 July, 2016.
== Work samples ==
== Work samples ==
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmgWKZmBMqM Bcig and ACPySS Christmas message starring Endor] (2017)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmgWKZmBMqM Bcig and ACPySS Christmas message starring Endor] (2017)
Línea 138: Línea 132:
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE0J2WgDdHU Bcig and ACPySS Christmas message starring Endor] (2015)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE0J2WgDdHU Bcig and ACPySS Christmas message starring Endor] (2015)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZW5ERCrtIo Pyss15 welcome talk by Endor and Oier]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZW5ERCrtIo Pyss15 welcome talk by Endor and Oier]

== Media ==
== Media ==
[[Archivo:Bgonair media.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|Роберта]]
*[http://bnr.bg/horizont/post/100954617/doc-dimitrova-robotat-roberta-shte-pomaga-na-decata-da-usvoavat-novi-znania-i-umenia Доц. Димитрова: Роботът Роберта помага на децата да усвояват нови знания], Radio Bulgaria, 2018.
*[http://bnr.bg/horizont/post/100954617/doc-dimitrova-robotat-roberta-shte-pomaga-na-decata-da-usvoavat-novi-znania-i-umenia Доц. Димитрова: Роботът Роберта помага на децата да усвояват нови знания], Radio Bulgaria, 2018.
*[http://news.bnt.bg/bg/a/roberta-robott-koyto-shche-pomaga-na-detsa-ss-spetsialni-potrebnosti "Роберта" - роботът, който ще помага на деца със специални потребности], Bulgarian National Television, 2018.
Цанка Николова
"Роберта" - роботът, който ще помага на деца със специални потребности], Bulgarian National Television, 2018.
*[http://www.diariovasco.com/gipuzkoa/201611/04/endo-quieres-cuente-chiste-20161104005048-v.html «Soy Endo, ¿quieres que te cuente un chiste?»], Diario Vasco, 2016.
*[http://www.diariovasco.com/gipuzkoa/201611/04/endo-quieres-cuente-chiste-20161104005048-v.html «Soy Endo, ¿quieres que te cuente un chiste?»], Diario Vasco, 2016.
*[http://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-euskadi/programas/mas-que-palabras/audios/detalle/4243968/aeque-es-europhyton-nos-lo-explican-oier-etxaniz-leire-ozaeta/ ¿Qué es el Europython?], Radio Euskadi, 2016.
*[http://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-euskadi/programas/mas-que-palabras/audios/detalle/4243968/aeque-es-europhyton-nos-lo-explican-oier-etxaniz-leire-ozaeta/ ¿Qué es el Europython?], Radio Euskadi, 2016.

Revisión del 16:54 18 abr 2018

<img src="Leire.png" width="50%" style="float:right">

Leire Ozaeta Rodriguez

' If you ever feel invincible or useless just remember: once, an elderly woman with a shovel took down the 90% of a country's internet access. '

Personal Data

  • E-mail: leire.ozaeta@ehu.eus
  • Address:
Computational Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science Faculty - Lab. 308
University Of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Paseo Manuel Lardizabal 1 - CP: 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (GUIPUZCOA) - Spain
  • Tfno.: (+34) 943.01.51.06


  • Currently:
PhD Student in the Computational Intelligence Group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).

Working experience

  • January 2016 - ongoing: Investigador predoctoral / PhD student researcher
Beca predoctoral / Predoctoral fellowship granted by Gobierno Vasco / Basque Government.
  • September 2014 - December 2014: Personal Investigador Contratado / Hired researcher at Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Computational Intelligence Group.
  • October 2012 - January 2013: Desarrollador en prácticas / Trainee Developer at Datik
  • March 2012 - June 2012: HTC Campus Ambassador at HTC European Co. Ltd.

Research areas

  • Multi-agents systems
  • Artificial Life
  • Agent based social simulation
  • Social robotics



Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña, Maya Dimitrova, Alexander Krastev
Child oriented storytelling with NAO robot in hospital environment: preliminary application results. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics Journal, No 68. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Publishing.


Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña, Darya Chyzhyk
Dynamic Causal Modeling and Machine Learning for Effective Connectivity in Auditory Hallucination. Neurocomputing.
Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña
Agent-Based Spatial Dynamics Explaining Sustained Opinion Survival. In International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation (pp. 137-146). Springer, Cham.
Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña
Finding Communities in Recommendation Systems by Multi-agent Spatial Dynamics. In International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, pp. 577-587. Springer, Cham.
Manuel Graña, Leire Ozaeta, Darya Chyzhyk
Resting State Effective Connectivity Allows Auditory Hallucination Discrimination. International Journal of Neural Systems, 27(05), 1750019.


Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña
Agent-Based Spatial Dynamic Modeling of Opinion Propagation Exploring Delaying Conditions to Achieve Homogeneity. In International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education, pp. 177-185. Springer International Publishing.


Leire Ozaeta, Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña
Some Results on Dynamic Causal Modeling of Auditory Hallucinations, Artificial Computation in Biology and Medicine, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 9107, 2015, pp 185-194. Ferrández Vicente, J.M., Álvarez-Sánchez, J.R., de la Paz López, F., Toledo-Moreo, F.J., Adeli, H. (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-319-18914-7. IWINAC 2015, Elche, 1-5 Junio 2015
Manuel Graña, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez,Leire Ozaeta, Anna Kamińska-Chuchmała.
Experiments of trust prediction in social networks by artificial neural networks. Cybernetics and Systems, 46(1-2), 2015, pp 19-34.


Workshops, Trainings, and Curses

  • First CybSPEED training on Children, Robots, Art and the Human Brain by Cristina Dardani and Professor Hiroaki Wagatsuma. Sofia, Bulgaria, 30 of March - 3 of April, 2018. Attendee
  • Seminar at IR-BAS on "Humanoid robot NAO programming for communication with children in hospital settings". Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 of November, 2017. Speaker
  • Lecture Curse of the Doctoral School of BAS in "Modeling Human-Robot Systems", given by Assoc. Prof. Maya Dimitrova. Sofia, Bulgaria, October, 2017. Attendee
  • "Big Data meets Machine Learning" workshop. Wroclaw, Poland, 21-24 May, 2015. Attendee



  • ICEUTE 2018
  • EUROCON 2015

Research stays

  • Sep 12-Dic 12, 2017. Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Robotics. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Responsible investigator: Associate Professor Dr. Maya Dimitrova.
Dolly @ Zientzia Astea 2016

Science communication

  • Introductory curse to programming with robots in Orixe ikastola, San-Sebastian, Spain, February 26-27 and March 7-9, 2018.
  • Special event for children on introduction to robotic programming in Orixe ikastola, San-Sebastian, Spain, May 1-2nd and 5th, 2017.
  • Coordinator of the stand "Charlando con robots / Robotekin hizketan" at Zientzia Astea, San Sebastian, Spain, 3-5 November, 2016.
  • Special event for children on sensitization on robotic research, San-Sebastian, Spain, November 11th, 2014.


  • Core organizing committee member of Europython 2017, Rimini, Italy, 9-16 July, 2017.
  • Local organizing committee member of SOCO 2016, CISIS 2016, and ICEUTE 2016, San Sebastian, Spain, 19-21 October, 2016.
  • Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2016 Pyss 2016, San Sebastian, Spain, 30 September-2 October, 2016.
  • Local organizing committee member of Europython 2016, Bilbao, Spain, 17-24 July, 2016.
  • Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2015 Pyss 2015, San Sebastian, Spain, 24-25 October, 2015.
  • Local organizing committee member of Europython 2015, Bilbao, Spain, 20-26 July, 2015.

Other activities

  • Aspanogi collaborator as a programmer and technical support for hospital setting activities with robots.
  • Member of the non-profit Python San Sebastian society (AcPyss)
  • Referee at First Lego League Open European Championship ( FLLOEC), Pamplona, Spain, 28-31 May, 2014.
  • Referee at First Lego League (FLL), 2013 - present.

Congress of interest

  • ALIFE, Cancun, Mexico, 4-8 July, 2016.

Work samples



Pending tasks

  • Simulate social phenomena in multi-agent systems.
  • Build intelligent multi-agents systems capable of learning.
  • Create a multi-agents system that would be considered "alive".
  • Implement Skynet.