29. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
Jesus M. Ugalde
The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2015
Electron-pair distribution functions for electron correlation studies
Place: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Date: December 15 – 20, 2015


28. Type of contribution: Contributed Talk
 Andreas Heidenreich
Clustertreffen 2015
Efficiency of dopant-induced ignition of helium nanodroplets
Place: Lindow (Germany)
Date: September 20-25


27. Type of contribution: Invited (plenary) lecture
S. J. Grabowski
Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules VII
Protonation of alkanes by carborane superacids – towards the topological acidity scale
Place: Prague (Czech Republic)
Date: September 14-18


26. Type of contribution: Contributed Talk
Author: Andreas Heidenreich
3rd International Conference on Correlation Effects in Radiation Fields (CERF15)
Efficiency of dopant-induced ignition of helium nanodroplets
Place: Rostock (Germany)
Date: September 13-18


25. Type of contribution: Contributed Talk
 Mario Piris
PSI-K 2015 Conference (Psi-K 2015)
Towards an N-representable 1-RDM theory
Place: Donostia
Date: September 6 – 10


24. Type of contribution: Oral communication.
Author: Mauricio Rodríguez-Mayorga
Congress: 16th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications
Title: On the effect of electron correlation in 3-RDM approximations
Place: Debrecen, Hungary.
Date: August 31 – September 4.


23. Type of contribution: Oral communication.
Eloy Ramos-Cordoba
16th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications
Title: Understanding and quantifying electron correlation
Place:Debrecen, Hungary.
Date: August 31 – September 4


22. Type of contribution: Oral Communication
Author: Eduard Matito
Conference: 16th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications
Title: Harmonium atom as a calibration and development tool in DFT
Place: Debrecen, Hungary
Date: August 31 – September 4


21. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
Author: Jesus M. Ugalde
Congress: International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences
Title: Structural and Optical Properties of the Naked and Passivated Al5Au5 Bimetallic Nanocluster
Place: Reno, Nevada, USA
Date: July 20 – 24


Place: Berlin, Germany
Date: July 13 – 23


19. Type of contribution: oral communication
Author: S. J. Grabowski
Congress: Third EuCheMS Inorganic Chemistry Conference
Title: Splitting of hydrogen by activation at a single non-metallic center
Place: Wrocław (Poland)
Date: June 28 – July 1


18. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
Author: Jesus M. Ugalde
Congress: International Conference on Chemical Bonding
Title: Aromaticity in Small Inorganic Rings. A “stretch” or a “gizmo” ?
Place: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
Date: July 2 – 6


17. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
 Mario Piris

10th Seminars of Advanced Studies on Molecular Design and Bioinformatics (SEADIM 10)
Towards an N-representable 1-RDM theory
Place: Varadero, Cuba
Date: June 23 – 28


16. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture

Author: David Casanova
Conference: Singlet fission workshop
Title: Singlet fission into a pair of bright states
Place: Lyons, Colorado, USA
Date: June 20 – 23

15. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
Author: Eduard Matito
Conference: 15th V.A. Fock Meeting on Quantum and Computational Chemistry
Title: New Measures of Dynamic Electron Correlation in Terms of Natural Orbitals and Their Occupancies
Place: Vladivostok (Russia)
Date: June 19 – 24

14. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
Author: Jesus M. Ugalde
Congress: Math/Chem/Comp (Mathematics, Chemistry, Computers
Title: Quantum Molecular Dynamical Studies of the Li(+)-Ferrocene Complex
Place: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Date: June 12 – 19


13. Type of contribution: Poster
 Mario Piris
The 15th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC 15)
Title: Towards an N-representable Natural Orbital Functional Theory
Place: Beijing, China
Date: June 8 – 13


12. Type of contribution: Poster
Author: David Casanova
Conference: The 15th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC 15)
Title: Tetraradical characterization through electronic structure calculations: theory and examples
Place: Beijing, China
Date: June 8 – 13

11. Type of contribution: Poster
Jon M. Matxain
7th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (THEOBIO 2015)
Attack of OH radical to the OH- and S-containing amino acids
Place: Cagliari, Italia
Date: June 8 – 12.


10. Type of contribution: Poster
Author: Elena Formoso
Congress: 7th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (THEOBIO 2015)
Effect of Al(III) on coenzyme NADH in solution
Place: Cagliari, Italy
Date: June 8 – 12


9. Type of contribution: Oral Communication
Author: Jon I. Mujika
Congress: 7th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (THEOBIO 2015)
Title:  Understanding by means of quantum chemistry how Aluminum is coordinated to an Amyloid Ab peptide.
Place: Cagliari, Italy
Date: June 8 – 12


8. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture
 Mario Piris

Recent Advances in Electronic Structure Theory (RAEST 2015)
Title: Towards an N-representable NOF theory
Place: Nanjing, China
Date: June 1 – 6


7. Type of contribution: Flash Communication
Author: Eduard Matito
Congress: Recent Advances in Electronic Structure Theory (RAEST 2015)
Title: Understanding and Quantifying Electron Correlation
Place: Nanjing (China)
Date: June 1 – 6


6. Type of contribution: Poster
Author: David Casanova
Conference: Recent Advances in Electronic Structure Theory (RAEST 2015)
Title: Recent advances within the restricted active space configuration interaction spin flip method
Place: Nanjing, China
Date: June 1 – 6


5. Type of contribution: Attendance 
Eloy Ramos-Cordoba
Congress: Workshop on “Advances on electronic structure theory
Place: Paris, France.
Date: April 27 – 29.


 4. Type of contribution: Invited Lecture

Author: David Casanova
Conference: Modeling photoactive molecules
Title: Electronic structure studies on singlet exciton fission
Place: Nantes, France
Date: April 21 – 24

3. Type of contribution: Keynote Speaker
Jon M. Matxain
ImagineNano 2015.
Novel Solid Polymorphs by Self-Assembling of Nanoclusters
Place: Bilbao
Date: March 10 – 13.


2. Type of contribution: Oral Communication
Author: Elena Formoso
CongressThe Eleventh Keele Meeting on Aluminium: The Natural History of Aluminium, past, present, future
Effect of Al(III) on coenzyme NADH in solution
Place: Lille, France
Date: 28 February- 4 March


1. Type of contribution: Oral Communication
Author: Jon I. Mujika
CongressThe Eleventh Keele Meeting on Aluminium: The Natural History of Aluminium, past, present, future
Title:  Identifying Aluminum Binding Sites in Amyloid Ab peptide by Means of Computational Chemistry
Place: Lille, France
Date: 28 February – 4 March