
Registration Form for Clinical Doctors

Due to the interest in RADIOMAG shown by a significant amount of clinicians, the organizers of the meeting have open the attendance to 27th of April morning activity, session 1 - Building bridges with Interventional Oncology -, to clinicians dedicated or in close relation with oncology. The program of this session is especially dedicated to Interventional Oncology and therapies based on hyperthermia and radiotherapy, and adjuvant treatments by using hyperthermia and radiotherapy.

To attend is necessary to fill the registration form and sent to . The inscription is free of charge, but it does not include the coffee served during the coffee-break.

The meeting is accredited by "Consejo Vasco de Formación Continuada de las Profesiones Sanitarias/ Osasun Lanbideen Hezkuntza Jarraiturako Euskal Kontseilua".