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Ezagutza arloa
Erizaintza I
Medikuntza eta Erizaintza Fakultatea
Posta elektronikoa

Dr José Manuel Llamazares is a Family Physician who holds a permanent post in The Basque Health System (Osakidetza) since the 1 st of February of 2018.

Currently working at Ortuella Health Centre, which belongs to OSI Ezkerraldea Enkarterri Cruces.

He is an acting labour Lecturer at the Department of Nursery in the Faculty of Medicine and Nursery with a dedication of 3 hours per week.

He obtained his Phd after lecturing his Doctoral Thesis titled “The tuberculosis desease in Bilbao at the beginning of the XXIst century (1993-2002)” the 29 th of July 2012.

The results of these researches conducted by Professor Franco Vicario since 1968 have been exhibited and presented to several national and international congresses which are available on the website of the Tuberculosis Observatory in Bilbao: http://ehu.es/tuberculosis_bilbao

Dr Llamazares is a member of The Bilbao Academy of Medical Sciences and he is an auditor of the “Gaceta Medica de Bilbao” belonging to its Editorial Board.

He is also a partner of ACINAR in Cantabria and AIRE in The Basque Country, both with an interest in Respiratory disorders and research.

Last but not least, Dr Llamazares belongs to Osatzen (Basque society of Family and Community medicine) and its Inequities in Health working party since February 2020.