XSLaren edukia

B Hizkuntza I: Ingelesa25434

Letren Fakultatea
Itzulpengintza eta Interpretazioko Gradua
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Ordenagailuko p.6090

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Irakasgaiaren Azalpena eta Testuingurua zehazteaToggle Navigation

This course is an obligatory subject taught in the first term of the first year of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting. It is the first part of an English language course aimed at providing students with the grammatical knowledge and communicative skills necessary to achieve a C1 level of competence in the language. The course will offer learners different activities, tasks and projects to strengthen their communicative and translation skills. The subject will also contribute to the enhancement of their multilingualism and cultural awareness, and to develop cooperative learning,

integrating individual and group learning strategies and the development of autonomy.

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The course aims to develop the following competences:

Module competencies. The students will be able to

M03CM01: Understand written and audio texts at a C1 level in English.

M03CM03: Produce written texts and spoken discourse at a C1 level in English.

M03CM05: Master vocabulary and idiomatic expressions and their connotations in English.

M03CM06: Analyse problematic structures in English from a contrastive point of view.

M03CM07: Use English in social situations both in the academic academic environment and outside it.

M03CM08: Master the principles of English grammar.

Specific to the Degree: The students will be able to

G007: Work individually and in teams, making use of the techniques and tools acquired.

G008: Learn autonomously, analyse, synthesise and put into practice the knowledge acquired.

G009: Relate and apply in other subjects and areas the knowledge specific to the degree.


By the end of the semester:

The students will have increased their lexico-grammatical resources for communicative purposes at a C1 level.

The students will be able to write an individual dossier to correct and reflect on their grammatical errors or mistakes.

The students will be able to elaborate a cooperative project to put into practice their lexico-grammatical and phonological knowledge, as well as their cognitive, translation and linguistic skills. The project will also show the students' multilingual and cultural awareness.

The students will be able to present their project using their communicative strategies and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to deliver an oral presentation that is cohesive, coherent, fluent and effective, showing a deep understanding of the chosen topic.

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A) Textbook and practice materials

UNITS 1-5 from Coursebook (see Compulsory Materials below)

1. GRAMMAR: Consolidation of C1 level

2. VOCABULARY: Phraseological approach

This is a skills-oriented course delivered through a series of lessons and activities that incorporate different contents. The course aims to help students strengthen their mastery of three main language components (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) as well as four language skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening). Apart from that, students will work intensively on the Pronunciation syllabus, which include:

Sound Symbol Chart; the IPA (International Pronunciation Alphabet). The sounds of English: vowels, diphthongs and consonants. Relationship between sounds and spelling. Introduction to weak and strong forms, stress and intonation; elision, assimilation and word linking. Connected speech. Transcription exercises and training of skills necessary for the Cooperative Project.

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Classes are interactive and student-centred. As the focus of the course is communication, a number of activities will be based on collaborative learning, thus, students will do different tasks and cooperative group projects to strengthen their communicative and translation skills. Active participation and cooperative work during the course are a must for students. Regular class attendance is highly recommended and, during the group work sessions to prepare and present the

Cooperative Projects, attendance is compulsory.

Students will be encouraged to work both in the classroom (individually, in pairs and in groups), and at home. They are also expected to do out-of-class work in order to consolidate learning done in class. This out-of-class work includes both homework assigned in class and the students' exposure to authentic language via extensive listening and reading assignments, and tasks related to their cooperative project.

The use of technical support and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is central to the classroom. Students will activate the use of internet resources (on-line dictionaries, complementary activities to pertained level, browsers so as to search for additional information related to the relevant topics, individual assignments and projects, news broadcasting websites, etc).

The students are provided with detailed guidelines on how to do their assignments.

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  • Ebaluazio Jarraituaren Sistema
  • Azken Ebaluazioaren Sistema
  • Kalifikazioko tresnak eta ehunekoak:
    • Garatu beharreko proba idatzia (%): 20
    • alde lanak (arazoen ebazpenak, proiektuen diseinuak) (%): 30
    • Course-final exam (%): 50

Ohiko Deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

The course will be assessed according to the continuous assessment procedure as defined by the Normativa. The new regulation about assessment can be found at the following link:


Continuous assessment students will be assessed according to their performance in the following assessment tasks:

A) Problem Based Writing Project (20%): students in groups prepare a writing project following the guidelines and the format provided by the teacher. Groups will hand in a manual and each student will hand in a piece of writing. During the group work sessions, attendance is compulsory. Students failing to present/attend these assessment tasks will receive no credit (0 marks) for the missed work.

B) Cooperative Project (30%): students in groups prepare a project and an oral presentation following the format. Each group conducts their presentation in class. Groups will hand in their project’s portfolio at the end of the course. The Cooperative Project consists of a series of individual and group tasks. Detailed format and assessment guidelines will be provided by the teacher.

During the group work sessions to prepare and present the Cooperative Project, attendance is compulsory (either physical or virtual, depending on the arrangements of the bimodal teaching). Students failing to present/attend these assessment tasks will receive no credit (0 marks) for the missed work.

C) Course-final exam (50%):

At the end of this course, students will take an exam to test their lexico-grammatical knowledge and skills following the format practiced during the course. The examination will consist of the following sections:

1. Reading comprehension: Two different texts minimum

2. Listening comprehension: Two different tasks minimum

3. Use of English:

3.1. Grammar

3.2. Vocabulary

Exam marking criteria: in every paper (Use of English: grammar & vocabulary; Listening; and Reading) a pass is 60% of the total number of items. If less than 60% is achieved, the paper will be scored as zero (0). The final mark is an aggregate score of the total number of items in the exam.

In order for the students to obtain a passing grade for the whole course, they must get a passing grade (60%) in the course-final exam. Only if the student passes this exam, the marks obtained in the continuous assessment tasks will be added towards the final grade. The course-final exam plus the assessment tasks make up the final grade (100%). Those tasks which are not done will receive a zero mark. The marks obtained in the individual assignments and cooperative project work will be kept for the 2nd exam call.

Those students who fail one of the parts will have to retake it in June.

Students who do not attend classes regularly and prefer not to adhere to the continuous assessment procedure will have to formally apply for a 100% final examination alternative as stipulated in the Normativa.

Withdrawal from Continuous Assessment: All students have the right to be evaluated according to the 100% final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous assessment module. In order to do so, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to withdraw from the continuous/mixed assessment. For quadmestral courses students can do so within the first 9 weeks of the course, according to the academic calendar of their centre (Capítulo II, artículo 8, 3).

Final assessment consists of similar parts as the continuous evaluation, but it is evaluated as a 100% block.

If a student withdraws from continuous assessment, no grades from the continuous assessment will be carried over to the first call final assessment and all assignments must be re-done.

If first call final assessment students go to the second call, they must re-do all assignments in the second call.

Withdrawal from an exam call:

A) In the case of continuous assessment students, as the course-final examination is worth 50% of the final grade, a ‘No Show’ (No presentado/Ez aurkeztua) will be assigned to any student who does not take the course-final examination. So, if a student received a numeric grade or a final grade of "no grade reported" (Ez aurkeztua/No presentado) on the first call, then they have the choice to carry over the first call grades (whether passing or a non-passing) of any of the continuous assessment tasks to the second call.

B) In the case of 100% final assessment students, not submitting the tasks and/or sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

Ezohiko deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

For the second call, the students who withdrew from the first call will have to submit tasks and to take an exam covering 100% of the mark. These tasks and the exam will be similar to those students in the final assessment carry out in the first call and described above and evaluated as a 100% block (a series of tasks 10%, a project 40% and an exam 50% comprising Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension and Use of English).

The students who failed one of the papers of the exam in the first call (Use of English: grammar & vocabulary; listening; reading), can take the whole exam, or they can only re-do the corresponding failed section. In case of failing two sections or more, the whole exam has to be re-done in the second call.

Those students who do not get 60% in total on the course-final exam in the 1st call will have to retake the whole of it (reading comprehension; listening comprehension; use of English, and pronunciation and transcription exercises) in June.

Those students who fail one of the course-final exam parts will have to retake it in June, even if the total grade reaches 60%.

The marks obtained in the continuous assessment tasks are kept for the second call.

Continuous assessment students who failed to pass the course in the first call, can re-do any of the continuous assessment tasks and/or exam papers in the second call.

If an assignment/paper of the exam is repeated for the second call, the first call grade will be replaced by the second call grade. Otherwise, the first call grade will be carried over.

Nahitaez erabili beharreko materialaToggle Navigation


Dunnett, B. (2021). Macmillan English Hub C1 (Iberia Edition). Macmillan Education
Student Book (978-1-380-03466-3) PLUS Workbook (978-1-380-03467-0)
[This is the same coursebook for Lengua BII: Inglés]

Hand-out/photocopies provided by the lecturer with a selection of materials expanding on the contents of the coursebook

BibliografiaToggle Navigation

Oinarrizko bibliografia

Foley, M. (2003). Longman advanced learners grammar: a self-study reference & [i.e. and] practice book with answers.

Swan, M. (2016). Practical English Usage (4th ed.). Oxford:OUP

Vince, M. (2009). New Advanced Language Practice (with key and CD-Rom). Oxford: Macmillan.

Hewings, M. (2013) 3rd ed. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (2005). Harlow: Pearson Longman.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2014). Essex: Longman.

Macmillan Phrasal Verbs Plus. (2005). Oxford: Macmillan.

Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary. (2010) 8th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ayto, J. (2010) Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2017) English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2017) English Collocations in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2017) English Phrasal Verbs in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vince, M. (2014). Language Practice for Advanced (4th ed.) Oxford: Macmillan.

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cambridge:
- Collins Cobuild Idioms Workbook, Collins, 1995.
- Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Workbook, Collins, 1993.
- Crystal, D. 2002. The English Language: A Guided Tour of the Language. London: Penguin.
- Eastwood, J. 2002. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
- McCarthy, M. & F. O¿Dell. 2002. English Vocabulary in Use (advanced). Cambridge University Press.
- Wells, J.C. 2008. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson.
Education Limited.
- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cambridge:
- Collins Cobuild Idioms Workbook, Collins, 1995.
- Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Workbook, Collins, 1993.
- Crystal, D. 2002. The English Language: A Guided Tour of the Language. London: Penguin.
- Eastwood, J. 2002. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
- Hewings, M. 2005. Advanced Grammar in Use (with CD-Rom).
Cambridge: CUP.
- McCarthy, M. & F. O¿Dell. 2002. English Vocabulary in Use (advanced). Cambridge University Press.
- Vince, M. 2009. New Advanced Language Practice (with key and CD-Rom). Oxford: Macmillan.
- Wells, J.C. 2008. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson.
Education Limited.


Learn Hot English: http://www.learnhotenglish.com/

The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/

Speak up

The Times Educational Supplement (Resources): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources

The Times Literary Supplement: http://www.the-tls.co.uk/

The Walrus: https://thewalrus.ca/

Web helbideak

Cambridge Dictionaries online
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary online

BBC- Learning materials
BBC Radio 4: intelligent speech

British Council-Learning materials

CNN-international news

English Language

John Wells’s phonetic blog: http://phonetic-blog.blogspot.com.es/
Phonetic transcriptions

Ted Ideas worth spreading: https://www.ted.com/

Giving an oral presentation:

5., 6. eta salbuespenezko deialdien epaimahaiaToggle Navigation


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