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B Hizkuntza II: Ingelesa25435

Letren Fakultatea
Itzulpengintza eta Interpretazioko Gradua
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Ordenagailuko p.6090

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The course in Lengua BII: Inglés is an obligatory subject taught in the second semester of the first year of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting. It falls into the instruction domain or module M03. It is a follow-up course of Lengua BI: Inglés, taught in the previous semester (1st semester 1st year).

With regard to the ultimate Degree objetive that is "Conseguir perfecto dominio de la lengua propia y uso correcto de las lenguas de trabajo, todo ello adecuándose a tipologías textuales diversas, lo que les permite desarrollar una competencia traductora general y, además, crear las bases para una traducción especializada", this course aims to help learners consolidate the C1 level of English already introduced in Lengua BI: Inglés. The four communicative skills, namely, reading, writing, speaking and listening will be worked on throughout the semester, although greater emphasis will be made on the production skills.

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The course in "Lengua B II: Inglés" aims to develop the following specific competences:

M01CM02: Ser capaz de expresarse con fluidez de forma oral y escrita en una segunda lengua (inglés: nivel C1).

M03CM01: Comprender textos escritos y orales de nivel C1 en lengua B (inglés).

M03CM03: Producir textos escritos y orales de nivel C1 en lengua B (inglés).

And the degree competences:

G007: Trabajar de forma individual y cooperativa en grupos.

G008: Aprendizaje autónomo, capacidad de análisis y síntesis de la aplicación de los conocimientos a la práctica.

The LEARNING OUTCOMES of the course are related to the objectives established. By the end of the semester:

- The students will have acquired more lexico-grammatical resources for communicative purposes. So they will be able to choose structures and lexis that show a C1 level of English.

- The students will use communicative strategies to make an oral presentation that is cohesive, coherent, fluent and effective.

- The students will be able to write a book review, structuring it according to convention and using genre-related vocabulary.

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UNITS 6-10 from Coursebook (see Compulsory Materials below)

1. GRAMMAR: Consolidation of C1 level

2. VOCABULARY: Phraseological approach

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Classes are interactive and student-centered. As the focus of the course is communication, a number of activities will be based on collaborative learning. Students will be encouraged to work both in the classroom – individually, in pairs and in groups – and at home. Students are expected to do out-of-class work in order to consolidate learning done in class.

Different methodologies will be implemented so as to accomplish the various assignments to work on throughout the semester.

Problem-Based learning will be used for the writing assignment.

Some of the grammatical contents will be approached from a flipped classroom technique, as well as the jigsaw technique proper of Cooperative Learning.

Students will have to do team-work within the framework of Cooperative Learning so as to fulfil the speaking assignment, which is an oral presentation.

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  • Azken Ebaluazioaren Sistema
  • Kalifikazioko tresnak eta ehunekoak:
    • Garatu beharreko proba idatzia (%): 50
    • Banakako lanak (%): 30
    • alde lanak (arazoen ebazpenak, proiektuen diseinuak) (%): 20

Ohiko Deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

The course will be assessed according to a mixed assessment procedure, as defined by the Normativa. This system consists of the following parts:

CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (50%) assignments:

Writing assignment I: Cover letter (15%)

Writing assignment II: Summary (15%)

Speaking assignment I: Oral Presentation (20%)


This is devoted to testing the lexico-grammatical knowledge that the learner is expected to have acquired throughout the semester. It will consist of UoE exercises together with a reading comprehension exercise and a listening test. The UoE paper will consist, in turn, of two parts: grammar and vocabulary. Each part is assessed individually. The passing mark for this exam is 6/10 and passing this exam is sine qua non to add the tasks assessed on a continuous basis. In other words, if this exam is failed (less than a grade of 6), the course is failed.

The students who cannot attend classes regularly and prefer not to adhere to the mixed assessment procedure will have to FORMALLY APPLY FOR a 100% final examination alternative, as stipulated in the Normativa de Gestión. This 100% final exam will consist of:

UoE test: 20%

Listening test: 20%

Reading test: 20%

Writing test: 20%

Speaking test: 20%

The speaking test will be done only on condition that 50% of the remaining four parts is scored.


In any case -mixed a. or final a.-, the pass mark of EVERY assignment or test is 5/10. Only passed tasks and exam papers will be added to work out the final grade. That is, any assignment failed will add 0 to the total score.


Withdrawal from Continuous or Mixed Assessment: All students have the right to be evaluated according to the final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous or mixed assessment module. In order to do so, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to withdraw from the continuous/mixed assessment. For quadmestral courses students can do so within the first 9 weeks of the course, according to the academic calendar of their center.

Withdrawal from an exam call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a].


In case that due to the COVID-19 health crisis online assessment is required, continuous assessment students will complete the abovementioned tasks (i.e., assignment 1, assignment 2 or final test parts) in the virtual environment (eGela/BBC). Similarly, students who opt for the final assessment will complete the ordinary exam in the virtual environment (eGela) on the official date of the 1st call completing the abovementioned four papers of the exam (i.e., UoE test: 20%, Listening test: 20%, Reading test: 20%, Writing test: 20%) and the speaking test (20%) on condition that 2/4 parts are passed.

Ezohiko deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

Any testing task (i.e., the three assignments or final test parts) that has been passed in the first call (May) is kept for the second call (June). In other words, in the second call for exam students who have followed the mixed type of assessment will have to re-take only the parts that have been failed.

If a student who opts for the Final Assessment fails the May call, they will have to re-take the whole exam in the second call (May). This 100% final exam will consist of:

UoE test: 20%

Listening test: 20%

Reading test: 20%

Writing test: 20%

Speaking test: 20% (on condition that 2/4 parts are passed).


Similarly, any testing task (i.e., assignment 1, assignment 2 or final test parts) that has been passed in the first call (May) is kept for the second call (June). Thus, students who have followed the mixed type of assessment will have to re-take only the parts that have been failed using the virtual environment (eGela/BBC).

Finally, students who opt for the final assessment will have to re-take the whole exam in the second call (May). This 100% final exam will consist of: UoE test (20%), Listening test (20%), Reading test (20%), Writing test (20%) and Speaking test (20%) (on condition that 2/4 parts are passed).

Nahitaez erabili beharreko materialaToggle Navigation

Dunnett, B. (2021). Macmillan English Hub C1 (Iberia Edition). Macmillan Education
Student Book (978-1-380-03466-3) PLUS Workbook (978-1-380-03467-0)
[This is the same coursebook for Lengua BI: Inglés]

Hand-out/photocopies provided by the lecturer with a selection of materials expanding on the contents of the coursebook.

BibliografiaToggle Navigation

Oinarrizko bibliografia

FOLEY, M. (2003). Longman advanced learners grammar: a self-study reference & [i.e. and] practice book with answers.

SWAN, M. (2016). Practical English Usage (4th ed.). Oxford:OUP

VINCE, M. (2009). New Advanced Language Practice (with key and CD-Rom). Oxford: Macmillan.

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cambridge:
- Collins Cobuild Idioms Workbook, Collins, 1995.
- Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Workbook, Collins, 1993.
- Crystal, D. 2002. The English Language: A Guided Tour of the Language. London: Penguin.
- Eastwood, J. 2002. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
- McCarthy, M. & F. O¿Dell. 2002. English Vocabulary in Use (advanced). Cambridge University Press.
- Wells, J.C. 2008. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson.
Education Limited.
- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Cambridge:
- Collins Cobuild Idioms Workbook, Collins, 1995.
- Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Workbook, Collins, 1993.
- Crystal, D. 2002. The English Language: A Guided Tour of the Language. London: Penguin.
- Eastwood, J. 2002. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
- Hewings, M. 2005. Advanced Grammar in Use (with CD-Rom).
Cambridge: CUP.
- McCarthy, M. & F. O¿Dell. 2002. English Vocabulary in Use (advanced). Cambridge University Press.
- Vince, M. 2009. New Advanced Language Practice (with key and CD-Rom). Oxford: Macmillan.
- Wells, J.C. 2008. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson.
Education Limited.


- Hot English Magazine (with Audio)
- Speak-up
- The Reporter: Articles and Entertainment for Students of the English Language
- The Times Educational Supplement
- Think in English (with Audio)

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