XSLaren edukia

C Hizkuntza IV: Ingelesa25457

Letren Fakultatea
Itzulpengintza eta Interpretazioko Gradua
Kreditu kopurua

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Ordenagailuko p.6090

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This course aims at providing the students with the communicative skills necessary to achieve a general competence of the B2 level. The course is connected to the following (English III / English IV), in that the latter will fully consolidate the skills acquired in the former, and promote a consciousness of the deeper grammatical structures employed in the present course

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Students who successfully pass this subject will be able to:

1. Practise the four main skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) by means of receptive and productive work.

2. Acquire a good command of oral skills with special attention to the pronunciation of individual sounds and of words in connected speech.

3. Promote a positive attitude towards Second Language Learning.

4. Carry out individual or group-based tasks with a high level of efficiency, showing a good command of the tools, structures and insights acquired during the course.

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Contents and teaching-learning activities:

This course is markedly skills-oriented, and involves a series of lessons, each centering thematically around a general topic. In every lesson, all communicative skills will be thoroughly practiced, and the students will be exposed to a great variety of communicative contexts. On this level, an adequate command of grammar is taken for granted; hence, the stress will fall on the refinement of pre-existing skills which is necessary to achieve a command of English that corresponds to the B2 level, and on the particular strategies and task-based skills that the student will need in order to successfully pass official tests at this level of competence.

Additionally, to the contents on the reference book the following will be covered in class:

Listening: A variety of recordings representing a wide range of speech situations and activities.

Reading: Different texts taken from a variety of real sources and different tasks that will help students understand better.

Writing: A selection of tasks and text types that will promote grammar consolidation and appropriate use of the vocabulary taught in each unit.

Speaking: A range of activities related to the topics of each lesson as well as oral presentations on specific topics assigned throughout the course.

Grammar points and structures related to the units of the course book.

Vocabulary related to the different topics and areas covered in the course book.

Pronunciation: English vowels and consonants, stress and connected speech.

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The classes will be a mixture of lecturing and practical student work in class.

Classes focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation; each lesson will consist mainly of tasks designed around a communicative situation to help students improve their command of these skills and language components.

Classes are interactive and student-centered. As the focus of the course is communication, a number of activities will be based on collaborative learning, thus, students will do different tasks with others to strengthen their communicative skills.

Students will be encouraged to work both in the classroom –individually, in pairs and in groups- and at home. Students are expected to do out-of-class work in order to consolidate learning done in class. This out-of-class work includes both homework assigned in class and the students’ exposure to authentic language via extensive listening and reading for pleasure

The classes are prepared to be carried out either online or on site.

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  • Ebaluazio Jarraituaren Sistema
  • Azken Ebaluazioaren Sistema
  • Kalifikazioko tresnak eta ehunekoak:
    • Garatu beharreko proba idatzia (%): 20
    • Ahozko defentsa (%): 20
    • Banakako lanak (%): 20
    • End-of-course exam (%): 40

Ohiko Deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

1. First call

The type of assessment is continuous. Students will be assessed according to their performance in the following testing tasks:

End-of-course exam: 40%

Writing: 20%

Individual project: 20%

Speaking: 20%

The Writing, the Individual project and the Speaking tasks will be scheduled in different dates during the course according to the official calendar. The grammar exam will take place at the end of the course.

All the tasks are prepared to be carried out via egela in case of online assessment.


Information on the use of resources and materials:

Exam: The use of mobile or electronic devices, notes, books is not allowed. Should any student make use of these devices during the exam, she or he will receive a zero on the task.

Any work submitted by the students must be their own work and must have been written completely by themselves. The students must identify and include the source of all facts, ideas, opinions and viewpoints of others through in-text referencing and the relevant sources should all be included in the list of references at the end of their work. Direct quotations from books, journal articles, internet sources or any other source must be acknowledged and the sources cited must be identified in the list of references.


1. Withdrawal from the Continuous Assessment

All students have the right to be evaluated according to the final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous assessment module. In order to do so, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to withdraw from the continuous assessment. Students can do so within the first 9 weeks of the course, according to the academic calendar of their centre.

Withdrawal from an exam call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a].

2. Withdrawal from an Exam Call

Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a, ez aurkeztua].

In the case of continuous assessment:

In the case of continuous assessment all students can withdraw from a call until at least one month before the date of the end of the teaching schedule of the corresponding course. This withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the instructor responsible for the course.

In the case of final assessment, not sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

The new regulation about assessment can be found at the following link:


Ezohiko deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

Final assessment students (100%) and Second Call students (100%) will be assessed as follows:

Test (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation exercises, listening): 60%

Writing: 20%

Speaking: 20%

All the tasks are prepared to be carried out via egela in case of online assessment.

Withdrawal from an exam call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a].

Information on the use of resources and materials:

Exam: The use of mobile or electronic devices, notes, books is not allowed. Should any student make use of these devices during the exam, she or he will receive a zero on the task.

Any work submitted by the students must be their own work and must have been written completely by themselves. The students must identify and include the source of all facts, ideas, opinions and viewpoints of others through in-text referencing and the relevant sources should all be included in the list of references at the end of their work. Direct quotations from books, journal articles, internet sources or any other source must be acknowledged and the sources cited must be identified in the list of references.

Nahitaez erabili beharreko materialaToggle Navigation

English File Upper-Intermediate Student's Book B / Workbook B Multi-Pack B -Fourth Edition by Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, Kate Chomacki.

ISBN 978-0-19-403954-3

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

SWAN, M. 2005. Practical English Usage. Oxford: OUP.

Additionally, materials provided by the teacher (as handouts or via eGela).

BibliografiaToggle Navigation

Oinarrizko bibliografia

Murphy, R. (2004). English Grammar in Use, with Answers and CD ROM: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vince, M. (2009). First Certificate Language Practice. English Grammar and Vocabulary. 4th. ed. Oxford: Macmillan.

Hashemi, L. and Thomas, B. (2008). Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate With Answers and Audio CD. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Harrison, M. (2009). First Certificate Skills: Use of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2009). Harlow: Pearson Longman.

Gran Diccionario Oxford. Español-Inglés/Inglés-Español (2008) 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aulestia, G. y L. White. (1992). Euskara ingelesa- Ingelesa euskara hiztegia. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press.

Diccionario Oxford de Phrasal Verbs. Inglés-Español (2006). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Triggs, T. (próxima publicación) First Certificate Testbuilder. Oxford: Macmillan

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

Hewings, M. (2005). Advanced Grammar in Use, with Answers and CD ROM: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vince, M. (2009). Advanced Language Practice. English Grammar and Vocabulary. 3rd. ed. Oxford: Macmillan.

Thomas, B. and Matthews, L. (2008). Cambridge Vocabulary for First Certificate. Edition with answers and Audio CD. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cory, H. (1999). Advanced Writing with English in use CAE. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wells, J.C. (2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson Education Longman.

Oxford Collocations dictionary for students of English (2002). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (2005). Harlow: Pearson Longman.

French, A. (2009) CAE Testbuilder. Oxford: Macmillan.


SPEAK UP Magazine con CD-Rom.

Hot English Magazine.

Time Magazine.

Newsweek Magazine.

Web helbideak

Cambridge Dictionaries online

Oxford Advanced Learner¿s Dictionary online

BBC- Learning materials

British Council-Learning materials

BBC World Service-international news

CNN-international news

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01-66 Ordenagailuko p.-1 (Ingelesa - Arratsaldez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak


09:00-11:00 (1)

09:00-11:00 (2)

