Monthly Archives: May 2012

Internal User Rates

General Information

The internal rate applies to researchers and centers of the UPV / EHU. Includes service and applications. The rates will be valid from 15-09-2021 to  14-09-2022.

CPU usage charges

The fee for a research group will be 0.005 € / hour and core.

Storage Rates

Every user has a 3 gb  storage quota taht will not be charged. Having more data in Arina will be charged as follows:

Rates for extra GB stored each month
CPU usage Range Storage Fee
(in days per year) (€/Gb) per month
2500< cpu 0.1
100< cpu <2500 0.5
1< cpu <100 1.0
0< cpu <1 1.5

CPU usage charges until 08-31-2019

The fee for a research group will be:

  1. 0.011 € / hour and core until the group reaches the use of 18.939,39 days of calculation (corresponding to 5.000 €).
  2. Once this consumption is reached , the rest of the computing time will be charged at 0.003€ / hour and core.