Hileko artxiboak: January 2011

Portland (PGI)

Informazio orokorra

Portland Groupeko konpiladoreak eta garapen tresnen 10.9 bertsioa. Galdetu teknikariei erabilerari buruzko informazioa beharrez gero.


PGI konpiladoreen teknologiak Fortran eta C-n egindako programak erraz konpilatzea ahalbidetzen du GPUtan exekutatzeko.

Beste ezaugarriak

Includes The Portland Group’s native parallelizing/optimizing FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90/95/03, HPF, OpenMP C++ and ANSI C compilers for 64-bit x64 and 32-bit x86.

Provides the features, quality, and reliability necessary for developing and maintaining advanced scientific and technical applications. Includes the PGDBG OpenMP and MPI parallel graphical debugger and the PGPROF OpenMP and MPI parallel graphical performance profiler that can debug and profile up to 16 local MPI processes. PGI Server also includes a precompiled MPICH message passing library.

Informazio gehiago

The Portland Group – PGI web orrialdea.


Informazio orokorra

GPUrentzako garapen tresnak: konpiladorea, liburutegi matematikoak, debbugerrak, etab. Nvidia GPUrentzako programak idazteko.

Bere erabilierari buruzko informazio gehiago eskuratzeko idatzi teknikariei mesedez.

Informazio gehiago

Nvidia web orrialdea programatzaileentzako.

Garapen softwarea

Programak eta instalatutako bertsio desberdinak.


Itanium Opteron
GNU ok ok ok ok
[intlink id=”454″ type=”post”]Intel[/intlink] ok ok ok ok
[intlink id=”3694″ type=”post”]Portlan (PGI)[/intlink] 10.9 10.9
[intlink id=”3678″ type=”post”]Cuda[/intlink] 3.2
Java Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

Java JRockit(R) (build R27.6.3-40) Java Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

(build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

[intlink id=”5444″ type=”post”]HMPP[/intlink] ok


Itanium Opteron Pendulo
[intlink id=”459″ type=”post”]HP-MPI[/intlink] ok ok
[intlink id=”459″ type=”post”]Bull-MPI[/intlink] ok ok
[intlink id=”459″ type=”post”]Intel MPI[/intlink] ok ok ok
[intlink id=”459″ type=”post”]Openmpi [/intlink] ok ok
[intlink id=”459″ type=”post”]mvapich2 1.4.1 [/intlink] ok


Opteron Pendulo
[intlink id=”447″ type=”post”]Intel MKL[/intlink] ok ok ok ok
[intlink id=”767″ type=”post”] FFTW[/intlink] ok ok ok ok
[intlink id=”3785″ type=”post”] GSL[/intlink] ok ok ok ok