Study of confinement and health in children

Study of confinement and health in children

Study Description:

The health alert situation for the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the confinement of the population in order to limit the mobility of people as much as possible. This is a measure that in many countries like ours is very exceptional, unaware of the effects it can have on the health and well-being of the population. However, we do know the importance of material and living conditions in health: aspects such as the characteristics of our homes, income level or job expectations have a very important impact on well-being. In addition, health levels and major health determinants worsen as people’s socio-economic status declines. Social inequalities in health are a clear reflection of the social and material inequality of our societies.

From here, from the Research Group on Social Determinants of Health and Demographic Change - OPIK (UPV/EHU), with the collaboration of Bidegintza - Cooperative for Human Promotion and Community Development and the Centre d'Investigació en Salut Laboral, CiSAL (UPF), we have designed a study to learn how confinement may be affecting the health and well-being of our children and that of parents and how the living conditions of families can determine how we are living.

As a preliminary to the investigation into the impact of confinement on the well-being and health of girls, a study was conducted with health and socio-educational professionals working with children, to hear their views on the effects of containment on this population group and to identify the dimensions that they considered important in modulating these effects, so that their answers could guide the design of the final questionnaire to the confined families.

See methodological (professional) aspects and questionnaire for professionals.



In this report, you can consult the preliminary results of the study (here, in spanish, here, in Catalan; here, in Galician and here in Basque).


Scientific publications of the study:


Media appearance and publications:

Articles in the newspapers:

Radio programmes:

Television programes:

  • Antena 3. Noticias, 22/04/2020; 00:55
  • RTVE. Telediario, 21/04/2020; 2:27
  • Eitb. Egun on Euskadi, 17/04/2020  
  • Eitb. Teleberri (castellano), 16/04/2020
  • Eitb. Teleberri (euskara), 16/04/2020