Liberal Malaina Fidel

Liberal Malaina, Fidel

Datu pertsonalak

Liberal Malaina, Fidel

Helbidea: Urkixo zumarkalea z.g. PK: 48013. Bilbo
Bulegoa: 3A18
Telefonoa: +34 94 601 4129
Faxa: +34 94 601 4259


Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko titulazioa

Titulua: Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza
Areagotzea: Telematika
Zentroa: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lorpen data: 2001


Egitarauaren titulua: ITecnologías de la Información Electrónica y Control.
DEA lorpen data: 2003
Tesiaren izenburuaPropuesta de un modelo y una metodología para la gestión de la calidad en los servicios de telecomunicación
Lorpen data: 2005


Study of the impact of UMTS Best Effort parameters on QoE of VoIP services

Jose Oscar Fajardo, Fidel Liberal, Nagore Bilbao
5th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009). Valencia, Spain. April 20-25

<span lang="en">This paper evaluates the performance of VoIP services over mobile accesses, with special focus on currently deployed Best Effort UMTS networks. There are different configuration parameters that have a great impact on end users' perception of quality. This paper tries to help understanding the impact of those parameters, and how they can be tuned for a better VoIP experience.</span>

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