Fajardo Portillo Jose Oscar

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Datu pertsonalak

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Helbidea: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Email: joseoscar.fajardo@ehu.es
Teléfono: +34 94 601 7361


Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko Titulazioa

Titulua: Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza
Areagotzea: Telematika
Zentroa: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lorpen data: 2003


Egitarauaren titulua: Tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en Redes Móviles
DEA lorpen data: 2005
Título de la tesis:  Adaptación de los mecanismos de provisión de calidad de servicio a las preferencias de los usuarios (Adaptation of QoS provisioning mechanisms to user requirements)
Lorpen data: (Amaiturik gabe)


Web Aplikazio Korporatiboen Diseinurako eta Garapenerako Plataforma

Oscar Casquero, Javier Leandro, Jose Oscar Fajardo
XIX Symposium Nacional de la URSI

<p lang="en">The development of enterprise web applications is a very complex and multi-part issue where different programming technologies and tools have to be used. Although these specialized technologies and tools are intended to work together, it would be desirable to have a very flexible designing and developing framework where all the information was managed and stored following a predefined Service Driven Architecture which should also provide internationalization (i18n) to web pages for content and presentation. XML technologies and Java based web applications (implemented as a component-based multi-tier application design defined by J2EE) have been selected to put into practice that kind of framework. This paper describes the nature of enterprise web applications, proposes a service-based approach to develop these systems and presents an example where this solution is used to fulfill the internal management needs of a university department.</p>

<p lang="en">Barcelona, Spain. September 2004