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General specifications for the publication of content

These guidelines are intended to facilitate the proper use of the portal. They apply to all users of ehusfera.

  1. Any member of the university community (PDI & PAS) may produce a blog or make comments on the blogs posted on ehusfera.
  2. Users must enter their LDAP password as proof of identity before posting any blogs or comments, and will be held responsible for the content of their postings.
  3. When choosing a name for a blog, remember that the address should be short and should be written entirely in lower case letters with no special characters (such as accents). Address names usually refer to the content of the blog or the name of the blogger, though there are no restrictions in this regard provided that the names used:
    • do not refer to the university itself or to any part thereof (campuses, departments, institutes, vice-rectorates or any other university structure or organisation);
    • are not those of any programmes or services offered by the University, e.g. Erasmus, Praktiges, Oficina de CooperaciĆ³n al Desarrollo, etc.;
    • are not those of UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) associations;
    • are not the names of graduate, postgraduate or other in-house qualifications offered by UPV/EHU.
    • In the following cases a special procedure will be set up to manage blog names:
    • subject names. Requests from teaching staff must be approved by the relevant department.
  4. Write clearly and simply. WRITING IN CAPITAL LETTERS is considered in the online community as shouting. The use of NonConVenTionAl fOrMs does not inspire confidence.
  5. Allow your readers to contact you: dialogue and reasoned argument favourite by providing spaces for reflection, e.g. allowing the addition of comments, chats, etc.
  6. Help to construct the ehusfera blogger community:
    • by visiting other people’s blogs to encourage them to visit yours;
    • by responding coherently and respectfully to comments by other users concerning your blog, so that a dialogue can be constructed around the topics that emerge from each posting;
  7. Correct your errors: post updates and clarifications whenever necessary.
  8. Do not say online things that you would not say in person.