Schrödinger Workshops “Computational Drug Discovery” in Barcelona



The Schrödinger Workshops to take place on May 15th and 16th 2012 at CESCA facilities in Barcelona:

Centre de Serveis Científics i Académics de Catalunya, Gran Capitán , Annexus Building, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.


The first afternoon session is primarily an introduction and suitable to attend if you are a beginner, or […]

CESGA Computational Science Summer School (CCSSS12)


El CESGA (Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia) convoca la 4ª edición de la “CESGA Computational Science Summer School (CCSSS12)”, que este año se celebrará entre el 2 y el 31 de Julio.

La CCSSS12 está principalmente dirigida a licenciados, ingenieros, investigadores y programadores, tanto del ámbito académico como empresarial, que desarrollen soluciones de software […]

4th International Course in Automated Functional Annotation and Data Mining

Introduction Are you working in sequencing projects? (EST projects, Next Generation Sequencing, Microarray design, etc… ) Do you have thousands of novel sequences that need functional annotation? Do you need a user-friendly tool to functionally analyze your data? Course

In this course you will learn tools and tips for functional annotation, visualization and analysis […]