Jodra Luque Jose Luis

Jodra Luque, Jose Luis

Datu pertsonalak

Jodra Luque, Jose Luis

Helbidea: Urkixo zumarkalea z.g. PK: 48013. Bilbo
Bulegoa: 3A21
Telefonoa: +34 94 601 3958
Fax: +34 94 601 4259


Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko titulazioa

Titulua: Informatikako Ingeniaria
Zentroa: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lorpen data: 2001


Programaren izenburua: Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles.
DEA lorpen data: 2005
Tesiaren izenburua: -
Lorpen data: -


Masterraren titulua: Master en Administración y Gestión de Empresas (MBA)
Zentroa: Escuela de Administración de Empresas de Cataluña (EAE)
adscrita a la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC).
Lorpen data: Junio 2002.


QoS Routing Protocol that guarantees the resource reservation in ad hoc networks

Jose Luis Jodra, Fidel Liberal, Maribel Vara, Jose Mari Cabero
IADAT International Conference on Telecomunications and Computer Networks (IADAT-tcn2005). Portsmouth, U.K. December 1-3

<span lang="en">This paper presents an overview of the research activities accomplished in the N-QaS (Networking, Quality and Security Group) in the area of quality of service (QoS) in wireless environments and concretely in Ad HOC networks. After studying the different objective parameters that can be used to guarantee a minimum of QoS (such as: bandwidth, delay, jitter and rate of errors), and with the later study of different signalling systems for the reservation of resources (such as INSIGNIA and dRSVP), the possibility has been identified of using the period of discovery of routes from the origin to the destination (in search of the road that better responds to our necessities from the point of view of the QoS) only not thinking of the shortest road (the one that less hops offers from the origin to the destination, habitual operation from the point of view of the most routing protocols, it is not the most effective parameters in the QoS) also keeping in mind that we are allowed to be able to give priority to other parameters of QoS (objective parameters) and that they can be reserved for the whole session of communication in the same way that the route is reserved. And what is more important, this whole process would be made in parallel (at the same time), winning this way in functionality (we are fusing two necessary processes in one).</span>