Partearroyo Glez., Rodrigo

Partearroyo Glez., Rodrigo

Datu pertsonalak

Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko Titulazioa

Titulua: Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza
Areagotzea: Telematika
Zentroa: uskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


Egitarauaren titulua: Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles
Tesiaren titulua:


QoS neurrien behatokia Interneten

Rodrigo Partearroyo, José Ramón Juárez
Non argitaratua:
XIX Symposium Nacional de la URSI

<p lang="en">Nowadays, two possible ways are possible to evaluate quality of service in data networks. On one hand, QoS has been traditionally quantified objectively across a group of technical measurable parameters. Nevertheless, the evaluation of QoS in data networks based on the perception that have the users of them, on the basis of parameters adapted at its level of knowledge, is gaining greater importance. Therefore, following this tendency, the "Observatorio de Medidas" raises an innovating architecture, that is able to fill the existing gap between the models of analyses of QoS based on strictly theoretical parameters and the ability to obtain useful data on the basis of a series of collected real data from measures made by means of different QoS evaluation tools in data networks.</p>

<p lang="en">Barcelona, Spain. September 2004</p>