August-September Spanish online Intensive course

The aim of these courses is that you can start learning or improving your knowledge in Spanish to help you getting on, both in your academic and personal life, during your stay here at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). We want you to make the most of the time you will be here and, for that, we offer you a 45 hour intensive course that you will be able to follow online before coming to the Basque Country.

General information

Dates of the course:

  • 26 August to 6 September 2024 > Admission closed


  • Mondays to Fridays from 14:00 to 19:00 hours.


Exchange program students administered by the Vice-Rectorate of Basque, Culture and Internationalization: Free of charge.

Other students registered in the UPV/EHU: 120 euros (Do not proceed to any payment until your place on the course has been confirmed).

Available levels: 

  • Beginners: zero to A1
  • Intermediate: A2-B1
  • Advanced: B1-B2

Illustrative levels according to the European Framework of References for Languages (EFRL).

Besides completing the specific registration of the course (check requirements below), students must take the online level test or inform of their level of Spanish in the way and within the deadline stated to do so (check calendar). Students registered in these courses will receive an e-mail with all the information regarding the organization and formation of groups.

Once enrolment has been completed, students must take the level test or communicate their level (in the case of students with zero level). The level test will be held online (check the level section) and will be used to determine the most suitable group/level for each student (see specific section on level test).

Important: students are not allowed to enter in any class if they have not received a confirmation e-mail from the organizers. Registered students entering in class without being authorized, will accumulate absences/missing days that might affect the way they will be evaluated.

Places of this course will be assigned strictly by order of registration. Students of exchange programs administered by the Vice-Rectorate of Basque, Culture and Internationalization and Enlight university students, in this order, will have priority/preference to other students.

We remind students taking part in this online course that it is absolutely forbidden to pass or exchange the links of the classes to other students without the express consent of the language courses office, being this a possible cause of expulsion of the students involved.

We recommend students to read the regulations before fulfilling their registration in our courses.

Intensive online Spanish course calendar

  • Deadline of admission (online registration form): 18 August at 23:59 hours

  • Last day to fill the academy´s form and take the online level test: 21 August at 23:59 hours

  • Deadline to provide all documents needed to complete the registration in the course: 23 August

  • Official beginning date of the course: 26 August

  • Deadline to aks for a change of level: 27 August

  • Deadline to join the classes: 28 August

Only students that have completed their registration (see requirements below) and taken the level test or informed about their level of Spanish in the way and within the deadline stated to do so (check the specific section for level test), will be allowed to take part in this course.

Documents needed to register:

Exchange program students administered by the Vice-Rectorate of Basque, Culture and Internationalization and students from the ENLIGHT European University:

  • Online registration form > Admission closed

Students that have not completed their online registration in GAUR, will have to provide a document stating their admission as exchange students for the academic year 2024-2025 in the UPV/EHU including the dates of stay.

Enlight European University students not admitted as incoming exchange students, will have to provide a copy of their registration for the academic year 2024-2025 at their home university in English.

These students can follow this course free of charge. In case of doubt, and before proceeding to any payment, please do send us an e-mail to


International students registered in different postgraduate studies, visiting researchers and/or teaching staff:

  • Online registration form > Admission closed
  • Document stating being admitted in the UPV/EHU as a student, visiting teacher or researcher for the academic year 2024-2025 including dates of stay.
  • Copy of the bank transfer for the amount of the corresponding registration fee: 120 euros (Do not proceed to any payment until your place on the course has been confirmed).

Bank account: KUTXABANK – ES 97 2095 0292 99 3239003884 (in the proof of payment should appear the name and surname of the student)

Exchange program students administered by the Vice-Rectorate of Basque, Culture and Internationalization and Enlight university students, in this order, will have preference taking part in these courses. The secretary of the courses reserves the right to admit other program students within the university community to the existance of places in the different groups/levels.

We remind you that the deadline to provide all documents to complete the registration in these courses (if anything is needed besides the online registration form), will be August 23.

Students not correctly registered and, therefore, not appearing in the official lists of the teachers, will not be allowed in class, nor receive any credits or grades for this course.

Level test:

Spanish intensive course´s level test will be held online.

Students registered within the deadline stated to do so (before 18 August), will receive an e-mail with a form to complete and the instructions to take the level test. The form and the test must be completed before 21 August.

In order to take the test and follow the classes, students should have a Gmail address.

Students who have no knowledge of the Spanish language and wish to start from zero in an absolute beginners' group, should inform about it when receiving the aforementioned e-mail before 21 August.

We kindly ask students to pay attention to their e-mail, including the spam folder, just in case our e-mails arrive there.

Syllabus of the courses

Besides being published in this site, students will get the syllabus of their corresponding level in the beginning of each course. We recommend students to download and keep it just in case they need to present it to their home university to get the credits of the course.

We remind students that it is absolutely forbidden to pass or exchange the links of the classes to other students without the express consent of the Language Courses office.

Evaluation procedure, certificates and credits: check the regulations.