2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2008-2010
Fuente-García, P., Villegas, J., & de la Cruz-Pavía, I. (2024). Living and aging bilingual: The role of proficiency in the word segmentation abilities of healthy older adults. Póster presentado en el VII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Clínica (CILC2024), Salamanca, España, 19-21 de junio.
Fuente-García, P., Villegas, J., & de la Cruz-Pavía, I. (2024). Word segmentation abilities remain stable across the lifespan: A comparative study of young and older bilinguals. Comunicación oral presentada en: Workshop on Language Processing in Aging, Vitoria-Gasteiz, España, 23 de mayo.
Fuente-García, P., Villegas, J., & de la Cruz-Pavía, I. (2024). Only proficiency predicts older bilinguals’ word segmentation abilities in their second language. Póster presentado en la 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP), Michigan, EE. UU., 16-18 de mayo.
Gemignani, J., de la Cruz-Pavía, I., Martinez, A., Nallet, C., Pasquini, A., , Lucarini, G. & Gervain, ,J. (2024). The reproducibility of infant fNIRS studies: a meta-analytic approach. Poster presented at: ERC “Babyrhythm” Project Closing Workshop, Padua, Italia, 9-10 de mayo.
Nallet, C., Lucarini, G., de la Cruz-Pavía, I., Gervain, J (2024). Newborn’s brain responses to speech, cries and laughter. Oral communication presented at: ERC “Babyrhythm” Project Closing Workshop, Padua, Italia, 9-10 de mayo.
de la Cruz-Pavía, I. How infants acquire their language(s). Invited talk given at the UD Language Forum, organised by the University of Deusto’s Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. 12-14 de marzo, 2024.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2024). Eye-tracking the processing correlates of experiencer role. Talk at Talks on Formal Linguistics, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, March 22, 2024.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2023). Proto-roles vs. Papeles Temáticos: el experimentante entre agentes y temas. Talk at Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Lingüistas, Madrid, Spain, November 6-8, 2023.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2023). Proto-roles vs. Papeles Temáticos: el experimentante entre agentes y temas. Talk at IX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Hispánica, Leipzig, Germany, September 27 – October 1, 2023.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2023). Dowty was right: eye-tracking experiencers among agents and themes. Poster at AMLAP 2023, San Sebastian/ Donosti, Spain, August 31 – September 2, 2023.
de la Cruz-Pavía, I., Nallet, C., Lucarini, G., & Gervain. J. Are babies’ cries already language? Poster presented at 8th Lancaster International Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster, UK. Aug 23-25, 2023.
Fuente, P., Urquijo, R., Gervain, J., & de la Cruz-Pavía, I. Exposure length to an artificial language significantly impacts adult mono- and bilinguals’ segmentation strategies. Oral communication presented at the XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, May 31-Jun 2, 2023.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2023). Eye-tracking the Experiencer Thematic Role, Poster at International Spymposium of Psycholinguistics, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, May 31-June 2, 2023.
Cano-Sánchez, V., Laka, I., Lago, S., Reifegerste, J. y Santeseban, M. (2023). Eyetracking agreement and attraction effects in the aging brain: A Subject-verb agreement comprehension study in Spanish. Poster en el XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Vitoria-Gasteiz (País Vasco), May 31-Jun 2, 2023.</p
de la Cruz-Pavía, I. (2023). Tracing infants’ earliest encoding of structural regularities in speech.Invited talk given at the SfNIRS Research Webminar Series, organised by the International Society for functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, June 23, 2023.
Nallet, C., Lucarini, G., de la Cruz-Pavía, I., & Gervain. J. Are babies’ cries already language? Oral communication presented at the XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, Mar 31-Jun 2, 2023.
Gemignani, J., de la Cruz-Pavía, I., Martinez, A., Nallet, C., Pasquini, A., , Lucarini, G. & Gervain, ,J. The reproducibility of infant fNIRS studies: a meta-analytic approach. Oral communication presented at the XVI International Symposium of Pscyholinguistics, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, May 31-Jun 2, 2023.
Fuente, P., Urquijo, R., Gervain, J., & de la Cruz-Pavía, I. Exposure length to an artificial language significantly impacts adult mono- and bilinguals’ segmentation strategies. Oral communication presented at the I Congreso Internacional Multidisdiplinar de Estudiantes de Doctorado (CIMED), La Laguna, Spain, Mar 22-24, 2023.
Cano-Sánchez, V., Laka, I. & Santesteban, M. (2023). Eye tracking agreement processing and attraction errors in aging: A Subject-Verb agreement study in Spanish. Comunicación oral en Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Estudiantes de Doctorado (CIMED), San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife), March 22-24, 2023.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2023). Eye-tracking the Experiencer Thematic Role, Poster at HSP 2023, Pittsburgh, USA, March 9-11, 2023.
Sánchez-López, M., Santesteban, M., & Laka, I. (2023). Experiencer Role Has Particular Processing Correlates, Poster at 48º Incontro di Gramatica Generativa, Florence, Italy, February 16-18, 2023.