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The Sociology of Litigation and Dispute Resolution

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
BENGOETXEA CABALLERO, JOSE RAMONUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Catedratico De UniversidadDoctorBilingualPhilosophy of
RELAÑO PASTOR, EUGENIAUniversidad Complutense de MadridProfesorado Titular De


conocimiento de las temáticas principales en los estudios sobre la resolución de conflictos40.0 %
Comparación de los distintos sistemas de resolución de conflictos en distintas sociedades y a distintas escalas20.0 %
Manejo de las técnicas de investigación cualitativas y cuantitativas aplicadas a la resolución de conflictos20.0 %
conocimiento de los procesos e instituciones de resolución de conflictos a escala transnacional20.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Case analysis20.0100 %
Discussion5.0100 %
Text analysis20.0100 %
Written discussion of a topic30.010 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation50.0 % 50.0 %
Evaluation by means of the presentation of projects50.0 % 50.0 %
Written examination50.0 % 50.0 %


Living Law

Max Weber and the Uncertainty of Law

Max Weber and the Legal Cultures

Legal and Non-Legal Normative Orders


In-depth bibliography

Cotterrell, Roger (ed.). 2010. Emile Durkheim, Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 165-186.

Silbey, Susan S. 2001. "Let them eat cake": Globalization, postmodern colonialism, and the possibilities of justice. In: The Legal Geographies Reader, edited by Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney and Richard T. Ford, pp. 256-275. Oxford and Malden: Blackwell.

Coombe, Rosemary J. 2001. Anthropological approaches to law and society in condi-tions of globalization. In: The Legal Geographies Reader, edited by Nicholas Blomley, Da-vid Delaney and Richard T. Ford, pp. 298-318. Oxford and Malden: Blackwell.

Kreide, Regina. 2011. Re-embedding the market through law. The ambivalence of ju-ridification in the international context. In Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets, edited by Christian Joerges and Josef Falke, pp. 41-64. Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing.

Frerichs, Regina. 2011. Re-embedding neo-liberal constitutionalism: A Polanyian case for the economic sociology of law. In Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets, edited by Christian Joerges and Josef Falke, pp. 65-84. Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing.

Woodman, Gordon R. 2012. The development ¿problem¿ of legal pluralism: An analysis and steps toward solutions. In Legl Pluralism and Development: Scholars and Practi-tioners in Dialogue, edited by Brian Z. tamanaha, Caroline Sage and Michael Woolcock, pp. 129-144. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press.

Cotterrell, Roger. 2006. Law in culture. In Law, Culture and Society: Legal Ideas in the Mirror of Social Theory, by Roger Cotterrell, pp. 97-108. Aldershot and Burlington: Ash-gate.


REVISTA - Kennedy, Duncan. 2004. The Disenchantment of Logically Formal Legal Ra-tionality, or Max Weber,s Sociology in the Genealogy of the Contemporary Mode of Western Legal Thought, in Hastings Law Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 1031-1076.

REVISTA - Febbrajo, Alberto From Hierarchical to Circular Models in the Sociology of Law. Some Introductory Remarks, in "European Yearbook in the Sociology of Law", pp. 3-21.

REVISTA Delaney, David. 2004. Tracing Displacements: or evictions in the nomosphere. In Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 22: 847-860.

REVISTA Valverde, Mariana. 2009. Jurisdiction and scale: Legal `technicalities¿ as re-sources for theory. In Social & Legal Studies 18/2: 139-157.


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