
Prozesu Katalitikoak eta Hondakinen Balioztatzea

Ikerketa Taldea

PROCAT-VARES taldeak energia eta ingurumena oinarri moduan duten ikerketa proiektuen proposamenean, aurrerapenean eta berrikuntzan lan egiten du. Taldearen helburu nagusia gizarterako gaur egun garrantzitsuak diren eta garapen iraunkorrera bideratuta dauden Erreakzio Kimikoaren Ingeniaritzaren ikerketa-lerroak garatzea da nazioarteko mailarik altuenean. Jarduera honen garapenari esker, ikertzaileak eta teknologoak trebatzen dira. Gainera, nazioarteko komunitate zientifiko-teknologikoari jakintza zientifikoa transmititzen zaio interes akademikoa, teknologikoa, soziala eta industriala duten argitalpenen bidez eta industri sektorearekin duen lankidetzaren bidez.

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Past April 20 at 11:00 in the Adela Moyua Room of the ZTF/FCT, Sepideh Izaddoust defended her Doctoral Thesis entitled "Catalytic Pathways and Deacivation in Alternative Sources of Fuel Production: Butene Oligomerization and Ship-/Shale- Gasoils Cracking", carried out under the supervision of Professors Eva Epelde (UPV/EHU) and Pedro Castaño (KAUST).

Next May 25 at 11:30 in the Adela Moyua Room of the ZTF/FCT, María Cortazar will defend her Doctoral Thesis entitled "Implementation of primary strategies for the improvement of biomass steam gasification in a spouted bed reactor", carried out under the supervision of Professor Martin Olazar and Doctor Gartzen López.

The well-studied methanol to hydrocarbons reaction over a ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst has been used to develop a spectro-kinetic approach to obtain an overall reaction mechanism involving both retained species and gas-phase products. We combined two in situ spectroscopic techniques (ultraviolet–visible and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopies) with online product analysis to obtain the time-...

Next April 1 at 11:30 in the Adela Moyua Room of the ZTF/FCT, Enara Fernández will defend her Doctoral Thesis entitled "Strategies for the improvement of catalyst stability in the steam reforming of biomass pyrolysis volatiles", carried out under the supervision of Associate Professors Maider Amutio and Maite Artetxe.

As a consequence of the poor implantation of sanitation systems, more than 80% of the wastewater from human activity is dumped, which poses a threat to public health and generates water stress. In contrast, its depuration and reuse for irrigation improves the efficiency of the water management cycle and reduces the use of fresh water. In the context of grey water purification in rural areas of...