Seminar: Film Festival Research in the Iberoamerican Sphere

5th online Film Festival Research Seminar: “Film Festival Research in the Iberoamerican Sphere”. April 23, 2021.

Co-organised by Aida Vallejo and María Paz Peirano, the seminar included presentations by scholars from Latin America (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay), as well as from Spain and Portugal, who introduced the audience to their research and their approach to Film Festival Studies.


Minerva Campos Rabadán, postdoctoral researcher in the IUCE (University Institute for Education Sciences, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid)

Tetê Mattos (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Mariano Mestman. Head Researcher at the National Council of Scientific Research (CONICET) and at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Mariana Amieva. Ph.D. student in History at UNLP (Argentina).

Rosana Vivar Navas is a Full-time Professor in Communication at Saint Louis University, Madrid.

Tânia Leão, sociologist, MA in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies from ISCTE-IUL (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Coimbra.




Minerva Campos Rabadán works as postdoctoral researcher in the IUCE
(University Institute for Education Sciences, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid). Her research focuses on alternative exhibition circuits and funding opportunities for contemporary Lan American cinema. In addition to her research on the international film festival circuit, she has more recently focused on its interactions with cultural institutions, commercial theatres, and their audiences. She is a member of the research group DeVisiones, of the editorial board of Secuencias. Revista de historia del cine and of the advisory board of TECMERIN. Revista de Ensayos Audiovisuales. h-ps://

Tetê Mattos (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). PhD in Communication from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2018) and Master in Art Science from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) (2000). Since 1997 she is professor at the UFF Art Departament, where she teaches Cultural Production. She directed the award-winning documentaries “Era Araribóia um astronauta?” (RJ, Brazil, 27min, 16mm, 1998), “A Maldita” (RJ, Brazil, 20min, 35mm, 2007) and “Fantasias de Papel” (RJ, Brazil, 15min, DCP, 2015). She was the technical coordinator of the “Audiovisual Festivals – 2007 sector analysis”, pioneering research on film festivals in Brazil and she works as a curator at several film festivals. Between 2002 and 2013 she was the director of the Araribóia Film Festival, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Mariano Mestman is Head Researcher at the National Council of Scientific Research (CONICET) and at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), where he teaches courses about Italian, Latin American and Third World cinemas from 1950s to 1970s. He wrote about those issues and also on working class cinema and the artistic vanguards of the 1960s. He has done research work in audiovisual archives in Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Scotland and Italy, including Film Festival´s archives. His work has been published in international journals and books. Last books as author or editor: Estados Generales del Tercer Cine. Los documentos de Montreal (2014); and Las rupturas del 68 en el cine de América Latina (2016).

Mariana Amieva is a Ph.D. student in History at UNLP (Argentina). She is an Associate Researcher at the Grupo de Estudios Audiovisuales, (GESTA CSIC / EI- Udelar) and a researcher at the National System of Researchers (ANII). She teaches film history at university ORT in Montevideo, Uruguay. She was the editor of the film magazine 33 Cines (MEC, 2009, 2011 and 2013). Her research interests are on audio-visual production in Uruguay in the 1950s, with a particular focus on public policies and the Cine-Club movement, and the emergence of an independent filmmakers’ movement in Uruguay.

Rosana Vivar Navas is a Full-time Professor in Communication at Saint Louis University, Madrid. Her main area of research is film exhibition (film events and film festivals in particular) and subcultural film audiences. She has conducted longitudinal research on Gijón International Film Festival, San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival, and Cans Film Festival (Galicia). Her latest work, published in Gender and Contemporary Horror in Comics, Games and Transmedia (Emerald, 2019) involves the study of female participation in Spanish horror film events. Rosana received her PhD from the University of Granada and her work has been published in Participations Journal of Audience and Reception Studies,Secuencias Revista de Historia del Cine, Cinema & Território, Bloomsbury Academic, and Emerald.

Tânia Leão is a sociologist, MA in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies from ISCTE-IUL (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Coimbra. Her PhD thesis entitled Portuguese Film Festivals’ Audiences: A Comparative Study (2019). She was a member of the Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities (OAC) and is currently an integrated researcher of the research subgroup on Artistic Creation, Cultural Practices and Policies in the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP). She has published work in the areas of sociology of culture, cultural and leisure practices, education and qualitative methodologies and she also collaborates with some of the main Portuguese film festivals.

Below you can find links to the special issues mentioned through the seminar as well as
a list of references to some publications by our presenters, most of which are available open access.


Call for papers: Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions – looks and perspectives.
Jurnal Rebeca. ISSN 2316-9230. Editors: Izabel Melo, Juliana Muylaert, Tetê Mattos

Considering as starting point the Socine em casa live event, on August 2020, “Film festivals as a research object: methods and practices”, the present special session seeks to bring together papers that consider the challenges and matters involved in the study of film and audiovisual festivals, incorporating different methodologies and theoretical approaches. We invite authors to send their contributions, with special attention to texts focusing on audiovisual festivals that happened in Brazil and Latin America.

The deadline for article submissions is June 22nd, 2021 and this special session will be published in Rebeca’s 20th  edition, July-December, 2021. Norms and submissions:



  • Vivar Navas, Rosana; Suárez-Canedo, Luis. Festival de Cans: rethinking the Film Festival through parody in rural Galicia. Cinema & Território: Revista Internacional de Arte e Antropologia das Imagens, 2020, vol. 5, p. 122-138.
  • Vivar, R. (2019). “‘It all comes down to your voice'”: Female Participation and Gender Identities in Horror Film Festivals, in Samantha Holland, Robert Shail, Steven Gerrard, Gender and Horror. Emerald (in preparation).
  • Leão, Tânia (2021). “Para uma Análise dos Festivais de Cinema em Portugal: Génese, institucionalização e desafios”. Aniki, v. 8 n. 1 (2021): Festivais de cinema e os seus contextos socioculturais. DOI: