Número especial sobre Festivales y sus Contextos Socioculturales

Número especial coordinado por Aida Vallejo y Tânia Leão.

Vol. 8 Núm. 1 (2021): Festivales de cine y sus contextos socio-culturales

Aniki. Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento



Dossier temático

Introdução: Festivais de cinema e os seus contextos socioculturais
Tânia Leão, Aida Vallejo, 80-100. Em Português (Portugal). https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.789

Rafael Morato Zanatto. O I Festival Internacional de Cinema do Brasil (1954). 101-130. https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.728

Maria Paz Peirano. Festivales de cine en Chile: Configuración de campo y comunidades cinéfilas, 131-157. En castellano. https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.723

Tânia Leão. Para uma Análise dos Festivais de Cinema em Portugal: Génese, institucionalização e desafios, 158-192. Em Português (Portugal). https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.738

Fernando Redondo Neira. Novo Cinema Galego: Recepción crítica y presencia en festivales, 193-218. En castellano. ttps://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.721

Juliana Muylaert. A Contribuição do Festival É Tudo Verdade ao Cânone do Documentário Brasileiro, 219-244. Em Português (Portugal). https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.718

Estrella Sendra. Banlieue Films Festival (BFF): Growing Cinephilia and Filmmaking in Senegal, 245-272. In English: https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v8n1.734



Book: Film Festivals and Anthropology

Film Festivals and Anthropology

Edited by Aida Vallejo and María Paz Peirano

See table of contents and intro here (free pdf):

This collection explores the intersections between anthropology and film festival studies. Film and anthropology scholars map ethnographic film festivals and ethnographic approaches to festivals worldwide. The book provides a historical reconstruction of most of the main festivals exhibiting ethnographic film, considering the parallel evolution of programming and organisational practices across the globe. It also addresses the great value and challenges of ethnographic research tools for studying the wide-ranging field of film festivals.

This volume is the first to collect long-term experiences of curating and exhibiting ethnographic film, as well as new approaches to the understanding of film festival practices. Its contributions reflect on curatorial practices within visual anthropology and their implications for ethnographic filmmaking, and they shed light on problems of cultural translation, funding, festival audiences and the institutionalisation of ethnographic cinema.

The book offers a novel perspective on film festivals as showcases for cinema, socio-cultural hubs and distribution nodes. Aimed at anthropologists, media scholars, festival organisers and documentary film professionals, it offers a starting point for the study of ethnographic film exhibition within its cultural and social contexts.

Read reviews here:

Social Anthropology, 26:1 (2018): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1469-8676.12458

Frames Cinema Journal: http://framescinemajournal.com/article/film-festivals-and-anthropology/

Zer, n42, 2017, pp. 249-250. https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Zer/issue/view/1546/showToc


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