I_subjects english chemistry

27855 - Chemistry

2021/2022 Credits, ECTS: 6


Renewable Energies Engineering Studies bring together a lot of different processes and technologies. To understand the foundations of sorne of them, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of chemistry concepts. lt is necessary to study the biofuel production processes that will be presented in Bioenergy subject, in the second year. lt is important as well to understand oxidation-reduction reaction mechanisms, as that is how batteries, electrolysers, fuel cells and capacitors work. Thus, in this subject, the fundamental knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, REDOX reactions and hydrogen chemistry will be established to be applied in several other subjects through the engineering curricula. 



Understand and be able to use fundamental knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry in engineering. 


Stoichiometry in chemical reactions and related concepts.

Equilibrium in water solutions.

Fundamentals of Redox reactions.

Organic molecules identification (main characteristics and most relevant functional groups).

Basic principies of electrochemistry applied to fuel cells, electrolysers and batteries.

Basics of Hydrogen chemistry and its application of electrochemical properties.

Work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment

Furthermore, a specific activity will be developed to introduce the sustainability concept applied to an organic chemical reaction, with the aim of highlighting the different parameters that influences the behavior of the chemical reaction in terms of sustainability. 



Stoichiometry: Stoichiometry and balancing chemical reactions. Stoichiometry coefficients. Calculation of number of atoms. Calculation of number of molecules. Purity of chemical compounds.

Chemical equilibria: reversible reactions, equilibrium constants, factors that affect equilibria, partial pressures.

Oxidation-reduction reactions (REDOX): Basic concepts, balancing oxidation-reduction reactions.

Development of electrochemical concepts: thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, mass and charge transport.

Applied electrochemistry: Fuel cells. Electrolysis. Batteries.

lntroduction to organic chemistry: General characteristics. Saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, most significant functional groups, main chemical reactions far hydrocarbons.

Hydrogen chemistry: Properties. Production. Transport.



To develop the skills and obtain the target learning results, a variety of activities have been programmed: 

There will be oral expositions to explain the main concepts related to the subject and, once in a while, the students will take part discussing different aspects of the subject contents.

To work on the theory explained in class, the students salve a series of problems related to the subject in case. They will be given problems and exercises to be solved individually or in small groups.

Puzzle type cooperative work, to work on texts. Questioning and open debate will be fomented to improve team working skills, communication skills and synthesis capabilities of the students.

The students will have to work on team projects proposed by the professor. They will have to prepare a team report and presentation.

To develop competences in sustainable chemistry, the students will take part in a poster session devoted to the study of the parameters that influence the sustainability of an organic reaction. The students will work in groups to obtain the required information about the reaction and to answer different questions related to sustainability concerns. Then, they will prepare a aster in which the will graphicall resent with the most relevant as ects of the stud of the mentioned reaction under a sustainable perspective. 

During Laboratory practise, they will make experiments using techniques used in chemistry so they can familiarise themselves with them. They will have to write lab reports and they will be receiving feedback to improve their learning process.

lf the health situation avoids the development of any teaching or evaluation activity, a non-presential alternative will be used and the students will be promptly infarmed. 




Hours of face-to-face teaching 30



Horas de Actividad No Presencial del Alumno/a 45



Legend: M: Lecture-based S: Seminar GL: Applied laboratory-based groups GO: Applied computer-based groups TA: Workshop TI: Industrial workshop GA: Applied classroom-based groups GCL: Applied clinical-based groups GCA: Applied fieldwork groups 


Evaluation methods:

End-of-course evaluation


Evaluation tools and percentages of final mark

Written test, open questions 60%

Exercises, cases or problem sets 20%

Laboratory work evaluation 20%



Article 8. (Normativa Reguladora de la Evaluación del Alumnado de las Titulaciones de Grado; BOPV Nº 50, 13 de marzo de 2017 / Graduko Titulazio Ofizialetako lkasleen Ebaluaziorako Arautegia onartzeko). 

The students that cannot take part in the continuous evaluation will have the chance to be evaluated by a final exam 
(specially prepared far this propase) in which the practica! concepts will be evaluated as well. They will have to send a writen enquire to the professor in the first 9 weeks since the beginning of the lessons period, as it is indicated in the art. 8. These students will be evaluated by a final exam specially prepared far this propase, which will entail the 100% of the final mark. 
lf the student does no show in the day of the examination, her/his final mark will be not competed. 

Students that fallow mixed evaluation will just have to complete the written exam and that, together with the rest of the results will used to calculate the final grade. 

The final written exam will have a 40 % of questions about theory and 60 % of problem type questions. In each part, the students must obtain at least 30 % of the grade. In final written exam the results must be at least 5/1 O in arder to calculate the final grade. The result of laboratory sessions must be at least 5/1 O in arder to calculate the final grade. 

lf necessary, if the health situation requires it, the exam will be carried out on-line. 



Article 9. (Normativa Reguladora de la Evaluación del Alumnado de las Titulaciones de Grado; BOPV Nº 50, 13 de marzo de 2017 / Graduko Titulazio Ofizialetako lkasleen Ebaluaziorako Arautegia onartzeko).The evaluation in the second call will be done exclusivelly by a final examination especially prepared far this propase. Students who have fallowed the Project but have obtained an insuficient mark in the Project or ir the examination, may use the extraordinary call to complete the failed part. 

The final written exam will have a 40 % of questions about theory and 60 % of problem type questions. In each part, the students must obtain at least 30 % of the grade. In final written exam the results must be at least 4/1 O in arder to calculate the final grade. The result of laboratory sessions must be at least 5/1 O in arder to calculate the final grade. 

lf necessary, if the health situation requires it, the exam will be carried out on-line. 



Documents specifically prepared for the academic course and available in eGela platform.



Basic bibliography

WChang, R., Química.(10a. Edición) McGraw Hill, 2010. ISBN 9786071503077 
Chang, R., Fundamentos de Química. McGraw Hill, 2011. ISBN 9786071505415 
Ralph H. Petrucci; William S. Harwood; F. Geoffrey Herring, General Chemistry: Principies & Modern Applications, Pearson, 2007. 

Detailed bibliography 

Caballero, H., Cómo resolver problemas de estequiometría. Filarias, 2006. ISBN 9788493248888

Requena, A., Pascual, A., Química física: problemas de termodinámica, cinética y electroquímica. Garceta, 2009. ISBN 9788492812127

Coeuret, F., Introducción a la ingeniería electroquímica. Reverté, 1992. ISBN 9788429171174

Fernández M.R., Fidalgo J.A. 1000 Problemas de Química General. Everest. León, 1996. ISBN 8424176049

Reboiras M.O. Problemas Resueltos de Química. La Ciencia Básica. Thomson. Madrid, 2007. ISBN 9788497325417

Orozco C., González M.N., Pérez A. Problemas Resueltos de Química Aplicada. Paraninfo. Madrid, 2011. ISBN 9788428380928


Accounts of Chemical Research: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/achre4

Chemical Reviews: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/chreay

Chemical Science: www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chemical-science/

Chemistry Education Research and Practice: http://www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chemistry-education-research-practice/

Education in Chemistry: www.eic.rsc.org

Web sites of interest 



Chemical&Engineering News


