HEFA Fakultateko GRADUAK

Eduki publikatzailea




  • 9:30 - Session 0 - Welcome
    Xabier E. Barandiaran 
    WELCOME: Outonomy: Fleshing out autonomy beyond the individual
  • 10:00 - Session 1
    Matthew Egbert
    Autonomous Systems Adapting to their Own Dynamic Viability
    Andrea Gambarotto
    Enactivism and the Hegelian Stance on Intrinsic Purposiveness
  • 12:00 - Session 2
    William Bechtel
    Understanding How Heterarchical Control Can Maintain Autonomous Systems
  • 14:30 - Session 3
    Ainhoa Rodriguez
    Beyond the Ovary: an Overview of the Factors Involved in Ovarian Function Variation
    Alejandra Martínez Quintero
    Enactive view of the female body: Two operational closures of the menstrual cycle
    David Cortés-García
    Biological individuality and reproduction
  • 16:30 - Session 4
    Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo
    Autonomy beyond the individual: ‘dynamic decoupling’ mechanisms as enabling constraints for the evolutionary development of minimal biological organization
    Auguste Nahas
    Autonomous Systems and their Affordances: Toward an Integration of Evolutionary and Organizational Approaches to Agency 
    Derek Skillings

    Individuals out of interactions: reproduction, symbiosis and syntrophic consortia


THURSDAY 23rd June

  • Marta Pérez Verdugo
    Cognitive and personal autonomy beyond the individual: overview and implications for the (upcoming) technologically mediated world
    Antonio Calleja-López
    Technopolitical autonomy: definition, operationalization and possibilities in the digital society. 
    Emanuele Cozzo
    Relational Identity Graph beyond ego-networks
  • 12:00 - Session 6
    Glenda Satne
    Similarity and difference: A paradigmatic account of collective action
  • 14:30 - Session 7
    Louis Virenque
    From surviving to living : a major challenge for autonomy 
    Alberto Monterde Fuertes
    An overview of the pain-homeostasis relationship: current challenges in pain explanations.
  • 16:30 - Session 8
    Alejandro Merlo
    Autonomy and the Earth system
    Violeta Cabello Villarejo
    Autonomy and its limits in social-ecological systems
    Jesús M. Siqueiros
    Affectivity, loss of sense of agency and social-ecological degradation

FRIDAY 24th June

  • Mikel Urdangarin
    “The subject is made”: from self-sufficient individuals to subjects in common. Towards a revision of the concept of subject autonomy.
    Enara García
    Situational affective atmospheres and the enactive-ecological framework
    Laura Menatti
    Autonomy, loneliness, and the perception of spaces. A philosophical analysis. 
  • 12:30 - Session 10 - Conclusions