
Workshop on Applications of Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy (WEMS)


Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to participate in the Workshop on applications of Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy (WEMS2019) that will take place in Bilbao, Spain 15.-17. July 2019.

Contributions related to Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy are welcome, see the workshop webpages (https://indico.cern.ch/event/wems2019)  for details on registration (free but mandatory), abstract submission and practical information, such as accommodation and venue.

WEMS is organized by members of the Mössbauer collaboration at ISOLDE/CERN. The group has for many years applied implantation of short-lived radioactive parent isotopes produced at the ISOLDE facility at CERN for emission Mössbauer spectroscopy, mostly in the field of material sciences.

The aim of the workshop is to review the main findings of the collaboration in recent year(s) and bring together groups with interest in emission Mössbauer spectroscopy for studies in material sciences and/or biophysics.

In case of questions, consult the web-pages or contact the local organizer

Iraultza Unzueta Solozabal (iraultza.unzueta@gmail.com), University of the Basque Country, Organizer WEMS2019