PRAXIS Event Archive


PRAXIS Seminar 2019-2020

Noiz eta non

2019/12/16, 00:00 - 00:00


Each year the PRAXIS research group organizes its two-weekly Seminar. The official language of the seminar is English. This year it will be devoted to talks given in different formats: talks given by guest researchers, blocks of sessions revolving around a certain topic, talks on papers that are about to be submitted to peer review, talks on results of undergoing phd dissertations, simulations of defences of phd theses, and so on. 

The seminar is on Mondays, from 15:00 to 16:15. A preliminary schedule goes as follows:

- 5/12/2019: "Constructive Technology Assessment as an Approach and a Process" (talk by guest A.Moniz, ITAS) & "Responsible Research and Innovation as Open Anticipation: The Value of Relational Processes" (S. Urueña, H. Rodríguez, A. Ibarra).

- 16/12/2019: Advances on phd thesis (J. Belastegui).

- 13/01/2020: Session on Epistemic Injustice (O. Frausto).

- 27/01/2019: Session on Epistemic Injustice (S. Malagón).

The seminar is organized by Sandra Malagón, for any queries please contact her.
