Senior Scientist (Satellite Oceanography) at IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography); Lecturer of the European Master on Marine Environment and Resources (Universities of Southampton, Liege, Bordeaux and Basque Country); Head of the Unit for International Relations at IEO. Born in Bilbao, Spain, Feb. 19, 1965. PhD in Satellite Oceanography, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, 1994; Space Oceanography, University of Dundee, United Kingdom, 1990; Water Quality Modeling, University of Western Australia, Australia, 2006; Ocean Remote Sensing, University of Hamburg, Germany, 2006. Joint Award from the Spanish Royal Society of Physics, the Spanish Royal Society of Mathematics and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology 2005; C+M Grant, European Union, 1991-1993; External Grant, European Space Agency, 1994-1995. Editor Book, Oceanography and Satellites, 2009 (Tebar Publisher); Lead Guest Editor, Satellite Oceanography and Climate Change, 2012 (Elsevier); Lead Guest Editor, Oceanography and Remote Sensing, 2006 (AET); Editorial Board Journal Continental Shelf Research (Elsevier). Chief Scientist Project Satellite Oceanography and Global Change, Ministry of Science (RyC), 2001-2005; Chief Scientist Project Prestige Oil Spill and Remote Sensing, 2005-2006; Principal Scientist Projects ENVISAT, CRYOSAT and SMOS, European Space Agency (ESA), 2004-2007 and 2009-2012; [Others] Founder and Coordinator, National Network of Ocean Remote Sensing, 2005-2006 Government Panel of Experts (ANEP), 2007-present [Participation in International Organizations] EuroMarine (European Marine Networks of Excellence); GPO (Global Partnership for Oceans); POGO (Partnership for Observation of Global Oceans); UNESCO-IODE (International Oceanograhic Data and Information Exchange); UN-ISBA (International Seabed Authority); UNITED NATIONS World Ocean Assessment.