European Marine Biological Resource Center (EMBRC-ERIC)

The European Marine Biological Research Centre (EMBRC-ERIC) is a pan-European research infrastructure, included in the European ESFRI roadmap since 2008, and designed to foster fundamental and applied research in marine biology and ecology. EMBRC-ERIC strives to help promote the development of blue biotechnologies in Europe by supporting fundamental and applied research activities in biomedicine, nutrition, aquaculture, fisheries, cosmetics or development of marine bioproducts, among others.

PiE-UPV/EHU constitutes together with

  • ECIMAT– Estación de Ciencias Marinas de Toralla of the University of Vigo
  • BEA. The Spanish Bank of Algae (BEA) is a research infrastructure of the Universidad of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

the Spanish node of the European Marine Biological Resources Centre (EMBRC-Spain), that obtained its ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) status in 2018. EMBRC offers services to academia and industry facilitating access to and advanced research with marine biological resources.

EMBRC is a disseminated research infrastructure that brings together 45 leading European marine stations in 9 countries, EMBRC’s marine laboratories are unique and essential for marine research and possess high level technological and research platforms such as state-of-art genomic and proteomic facilities, together providing:

  1. access to a wide range of European coastal marine bioresources and ecosystem
  2. an integrated supply of marine organisms for interdisciplinary research, including new reseach model organisms;
  3. coordinated services including state-of-the-art biobanks, culture collections and dedicated platforms for genomics, structural and functional biology, microscopy and bioinformatics;
  4.  interdisciplinary training in marine biological sciences
  5. outreach to stakeholders, users and the public at large.

On-going projects under the umbrela of EMBRC-ERIC