CONGRESOS 2008-2010


De la Cruz Pavía, I.; Duñabeitia, J.A.; Laka, I. (2008). Relative Clause Attachment Preference in Spanish: A study of monolinguals from the Basque Country. 6th Workshop on Syntax & Semantics. Vitoria-Gasteiz.

De la Cruz Pavía, I.; Elordieta, G. (2008). The Prosody of Ambiguous Relative Clauses in Monolinguals and Bilinguals of Spanish in the Basque Country. I Brainglot Workshop. Barcelona.

Fernández. B. (2008). Quirky dative objects in Basque. European Dialect Syntax III. Venice, Italy.

Fernandez, B.; Landa, J. (2008). La preferencia por oraciones relativas de sujeto no es universal. VII Congreso SEPEX (Sociedad Española de Psicología) Experimental. San Sebastián-Donostia.

Fernández, B. (2008). Quirky dative objects in Basque. European Dialect Syntax III. Venice, Italy.

Laka I. (2008). Euskara: The Basque language. Witte Singel Doelen complex. Leiden University.

Laka I. (2008). Gramatika bideetan: bide barrijak [Por los caminos de la gramática: nuevos rumbos]. Gramatika Jaietan, Homenaje al Profesor Patxi Goenaga. Facultad de Letras, UPV/EHU

Laka I. (2008). What bilingualism reveals about neural representation and age-affects of grammar. 6th Workshop on Syntax and Semantics (WoSS2008). Facultad de letras, UPV/EHU,

Laka I., Duñabeitia J.A., Vergara M., Carreiras M. (2008). La preferencia por oraciones relativas de sujeto no es universal. VII Congreso SEPEX (Sociedad Española de Psicología) Experimental. San Sebastián-Donostia.

Santesteban, M.; Pickering, M.J.; Branigan, H.P.; Laka, I. (2008). Encoding similar and new agreement relations in L2: Evidence from Basque subject- and object-verb agreement
by Spanish-Basque bilinguals. International Conference on Models of Interaction in Bilinguals. Bangor (UK).

Santesteban, M.; Pickering, M.J.; Branigan, H.P.; Laka, I. (2008). Encoding number agreement in L2: Evidence from subject-verb and object-verb agreement in Basque (L2). Ghent Workshop on Bilingualism. Ghent (BELGIUM).

Santesteban, M.; Pickering, M.J.; Branigan, H.P.; Laka, I. (2008). ¿Afectan a la producción de la concordancia objeto-verbo los mismos factores sintácticos que afectan a la concordancia sujeto-verbo? El caso del euskara. 7º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX). Donostia-San Sebastian.

Santesteban, M.; McLean, J.F.; Pickering, M.J. (2008). Does phonological alignment enhance syntactic alignment during dialogue? Evidence from homophones. 21st annual CUNY Conference on human sentence processing. Chapel Hill (USA).

Torrego, E. (2008). What Spanish reveals about faire-causatives. Lecture delivered at The Hispanic Linguistic Symposium, October 23-26, Université Laval, Québec City, Québec.

Zawiszewski, A.; Fernández, B.; Laka, I. (2008). Native versus non-native processing symmetries in noun/verb morphology. 14th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, AMLAP08. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Zawiszewski, A.; Fernández, B.; Laka, I. (2008). Age of acquisition effects in ergativity: Evidence from high-proficient native and nonnative speakers. International Conference on Models of Interaction in Bilinguals, ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism in Theory and Practice. Wales, United Kingdom.

Zawiszewski, A.; Fernández, B.; Laka, I. (2008). Native versus non-native processing asymmetries in noun/verb morphology. 14th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). Cambridge, England.


Acha, J.; Laka, I.; Perea, M. (2009). Learning to read in an agglutinative language: The role of inflectional morphology in beginning, intermediate and adult Basque readers. Psycholinguistics in Flanders. Antwerp, Bélgica.

Azkarai, A.; Gutierrez-Mangado, M.J.; Santesteban, M.; García-Mayo, M.P. (2009). The role of L2 AoA on language switching costs: Only early bilinguals feature symmetrical language switching costs. 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Barcelona.

Colomé , A.; Laka , I.; Sebastián-Gallés, N. (2009). ¿Se calcula de modo distinto en euskera? Efectos de la lengua en el procesamiento de los números. IX Simposio de Psicolingüística. Santiago de Compostela.

De la Cruz Pavía, I. (2009). Preferencia de adjunción de las oraciones de relativo ambiguas en el castellano del País Vasco. XXIV Encuentro Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas. Barcelona.

De la Cruz Pavía, I.; Elordieta, G. (2009). The prosody of ambiguous relative clauses in Spanish: a study of monolinguals and Basque-Spanish bilinguals. Comunicación seleccionada. Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

De la Cruz Pavía, I.; Elordieta, G. (2009). The prosody of ambiguous relative clauses in Spanish: a study of monolinguals and Basque-Spanish bilinguals. IX Simposio de Psicolingüística. Santiago de Compostela.

Erdozia, K.; Laka, I. (2009). ERP Evidences In Word Order Processing By Basque/Spanish Bilinguals. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, CNS2009. San Francisco, California, USA.

Erdozia, K. (2009) Complex Grammar Learning: Prosodic Facilitation. Artificial Grammar Workshop. 6th of April, Reading University. Reading, England.

Fernández B.; Ortiz de Urbina, J. (2009). Core and peripheral datives: Dative agreement drop in Basque. Case in and across language. Helsinki (Finlandia)

Fernández, B.;. Rezac M. (2009). Datibo-osagarri bitxiak eta Datiboaren Lekualdatzea: ari nai diyot eta kanta egin nazu bidegurutzean. Euskaren sintaxia: aldakortasun sintaktikoa euskal hizkeretan. Encuentro internacional en los XXVIII Cursos de Verano de San Sebastián. XXI. Cursos europeos/XXVIII. Donostiako Uda ikastaroak. XXI Europar ikastaroak (UPV/EHU & IKER (CNRS). San Sebastián/Donostia

Fernández, B.; Ortiz de Urbina, J. (2009). Datibo alternatiboak hiztegian eta hizkeretan. Euskaren sintaxia: aldakortasun sintaktikoa euskal hizkeretan. Encuentro internacional en los XXVIII Cursos de Verano de San Sebastián. XXI. Cursos europeos/XXVIII. Donostiako Uda ikastaroak. XXI Europar ikastaroak (UPV/EHU & IKER (CNRS). San Sebastián / Donostia.

Fernández, B.; Ortiz de Urbina, J. (2009). Datibo alternatiboak hiztegian eta hizkeretan. Euskaren sintaxia: aldakortasun sintaktikoa euskal hizkeretan. Encuentro internacional en los XXVIII Cursos deVerano de San Sebastián. XXI. Cursos europeos/XXVIII. Donostiako Uda ikastaroak. XXI Europar ikastaroak (UPV/EHU & IKER (CNRS). San Sebastián/Donostia.

Fernández, B.; Rezac, M. (2009). Datibo-osagarri bitxiak eta Datiboaren Lekualdatzea: ari nai diyot eta kanta egin nazu bidegurutzea. Euskaren sintaxia: aldakortasun sintaktikoa euskal hizkeretan. Encuentro internacional en los XXVIII Cursos de Verano de San Sebastián. XXI. Cursos europeos/XXVIII. Donostiako Uda ikastaroak. XXI Europar ikastaroak (UPV/EHU & IKER (CNRS). San Sebastián/Donostia.

Laka I. (2009). El cerebro Bilingüe. Lenguaje, cerebro y genes: Lecciones de Biolingüística. Universidad de Zaragoza, Jaca (Huesca).

Laka, I. (2009). Processing Preferences: syntactic structure and the case of the subject. Language and Cognition Group Colloquium. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Universiteit Leiden, Holanda.

Laka, I.; Erdocia, K. (2009). Subject Initial Processing Strategy is Language-Dependent. 15th Annual Confrerence on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing AMLAP09. Barcelona.

Laka, I.; Erdozia, K. (2009) Subject-first strategy is language-dependent. Poster in 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). September 7th-9th, Barcelona.

Santesteban, M.; Foucart, A.; Branigan, H.P.; Pickering, M.J. (2009). Does L1 syntax affect L2 agreement processing? The case of Spanish-English and French-English bilinguals’ producing English possessive adjectives. Neurobilingualism: Bilingual functioning from infancy to adulthood. Workshop on Bilingualism. Bangor (UK).

Torrego, E. (2009). Aspects of Case and Agreement. Lecture delivered at International Workshop on Ergative Languages, November 4-6, Euskal Herriko Univertsitateko, Bilbao.

Zawiszewski, A. ; Laka, I.; (2009). Case and agreement morphology processing in bilinguals. Evidence from Event-Related Potentials. 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB7). Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Zawiszewski, A.; Laka, I. (2009). Parameters of Grammar and Maturational Effects: an ERP Study on Ergativity and Object-Verb Agreement Processing by Native Versus Nonnative Speakers of Basque. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, CNS2009. San Francisco, California, USA.

Zawiszewski, A.; Laka, I. (2009) Electrophysiological Correlates of Head Parameter Processing in Natives and Highly Proficient Bilinguals. Poster in 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). September 7th-9th, Barcelona.


Erdocia, K.; Zawiszewski, A.; Laka, I. (2010) Bilingual Freedom: on word order processing. Poster presented in Donostia Workshop on Neurobilingualism. September 30th – October 2nd, Donostia-San Sebastián.

Foucart, A., Santesteban, M., Pickering, M.J., & Branigan, H.P. (2010). The influence of L1 syntax on L2 agreement processing: Evidence from the selection of possessive pronouns/adjectives. Poster presented at the Workshop on Neurobilingualism. Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain.

Fernández, B.; Rezac M. (2010). Dative displacement in Basque: Between dative and primary indirect objects. Syntax of the World’s Languages IV. Lyon.

Fernández, B.; Ortiz de Urbina J. (2010). Bivalent unergatives in Basque. Syntax of the World’s Languages IV. Lyon.

Laka, I. (2010). Neural representation and processing of linguistic variation. European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop. Exploring the roots of linguistic diversity: Biolinguistic perspectives. Barcelona.

Rezac, M.; Fernández, B. (2010). Theoretical approaches to Dative DisLugarment. 4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting. Variation in Datives: A micro-comparative perspective. Congreso internacional en los XXIX Cursos de Verano de San Sebastián. XXII. Cursos europeos/XXIX. Donostiako Uda ikastaroak. XXII Europar ikastaroak (UPV/EHU & IKER-CNRS). San Sebastián/Donostia.

Santesteban, M., Pickering, M.J., Branigan, H.P. (2010). Exploring the influence of thematic role and case marking in structural priming: A Basque study. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). York, UK.

Santesteban, M., Foucart, A., Pickering, M.J., & Branigan, H.P. (2010). Is selection of possessive pronouns/adjectives in L2 affected by L1 syntax? Poster presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). York, UK.

Yetano, I., Duñabeitia, J.A., de la Cruz-Pavía, I., Carreiras, M., Laka, I. (2010) Processing Postnominal Relative Clauses in Basque: an Inquiry into the Dependency Locality Theory. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Cuny Conference on Human Sentence Processing. New York University, March 18-21.

Zawiszewski, A., Erdocia, K., Laka, I. (2010) Bilinguals processing case morphology: an ERP study. Poster presented in Donostia Workshop on Neurobilingualism. September 30th – October 2nd, Donostia-San Sebastián.

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