Acha, J., Sistiaga, A., & Lallier, M. What is the role of morphemes when learning to read in agglutinative languages? Evidence from Basque-Spanish bilingual children. Lexical workshop for the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Toronto, Ontario. 2013, Noviembre.
Acha, J., Perea, M.., & Van Leeuwen, C. Congurence effects in visual word recognition. 11th Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Tenerife, Spain. 2013.
Acha, J., Salaburu, P., Landa, J.,& Laka, I. EHME: A new word database for research in Basque language. AESLA 2013. Tenerife, Spain. 2013.
Berro, A. Decomposition of intransitive verbs and ergativity in Basque. Little v. Leiden. 2013, October 25-26.
Egusquiza, N., Erdocia, K., & Zawiszewski, A. (2013). Antecedent frequency effects on pronoun resolution in Spanish: An eyetracking study. Poster presented at the 6th Brainglot Workshop: Bilingualism and Cognitive Neuroscience, Barcelona, Spain.
Lallier, M., Acha, J., & Carreiras, M. Influence of orthographic transparency on letter string processing in French-Basque and Spanish-Basque bilingual children. 11th Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Tenerife, Spain. 2013.
Azkarate, M. Políticas Lingüísticas de las Lenguas Vernáculas: La importancia de la adhesión social. Ponente invitada en el IV Congreso Internacional “Derecho, Filosofía, Economía, Sociología, Psicología, Educación e Informática en un mundo global. Reflexiones para la transformación de la sociedad”. Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala. Octubre 2013.
Lindemann, D.; Creating a German-Basque electronic dictionary for German learners. Conferência Internacional Planning non-existent Dictionaries, Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, 07-08, Octubre, 2013.
Lindemann, D.; Eudelex, ein deutsch-baskisches elektronisches Wörterbuch. Congreso Internacional Los diccionarios de alemán: evolución y nuevas perspectivas, Universitat de Valencia, 02-04, Octubre, 2013.
Laka, I. On Agreement relations: Φ feature processing. Invited speaker. VI Brainglot Workshop, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Septiembre2013.
Odria, A., Fernández, B. & Rezac, M. When Basque and Spanish met: A micro and macrocomparative approach to Differential Object Marking. 25th Scandinavian Conference on Linguistics. Reykjavic. 2013.
Pastor, L; Landa, J. & Laka, I. Noun to Verb ratio in Basque, Spanish, Catalan and Galicia. The relative frequencies of nouns, pronouns and verbs in discourse, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig (Germany). 2013, Agosto 12-13.
Odria, A. Osagarrien Markapen Bereizgarria euskal hizkeretan. Hizkuntzalari Euskaldunen I. Topaketa. Eibar (UEU). Julio 4, 2013.
Ros, I., Laka, I., Fukumura, K. & Santesteban, M. Appearances are deceiving: One processin system for two languages. Bilingual Minds, Bilingual Machines. The Cognition Institute Summer School, Poster session, Plymouth University. 2013, Junio 24-28.
Zawiszewski, A., Erdocia, K., Santesteban, M. & Laka, I. Phi-features reloaded: an ERP study on person and number processing. Paper presented at 8th International Morphology Conference, Cambridge (UK). 2013, June 20 – 22.
Torrego, E. (coauthored by Beatriz Fernández). Aspects of the grammar of addressee/allocutive agreement: The view from Basque. Towards a Theory of Syntactic Variation. June 5-7, Bilbo.
Berro, A. Ergatibotasuna, iragangaiztasuna eta aditz laguntzailearen hautaketa euskal hizkeretan. Hizkuntzalari Euskaldunen I. Topaketa.UEU, Eibar. 2013, Junio 4.
Santesteban, M. Is there a bilingual cost for syntax? International Workshop on Bilingualism and Cognitive Control, Krakow. 15th – 17th of May, 2013.
Acha, J. How and when do children misread similar words? Neighborhood frequency effects revisited. International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, Donostia. 2013, Mayo.
Berro, A. Stative uses of intransitive predicates and case variation: Evidence from Basque varieties. Approaches to Complex Predicates. 2013, Mayo 29-31, Paris.
Salaburu, P. Los corpus lingüísticos en lenguas de morfología compleja. El caso del vasco. IX Encuentro de Morfólogos, Universidad de Cádiz, Cadiz. 2013, Mayo 16-18.
Fernández, B. Una reflexión sobre la selección del auxiliar en euskera.Wedisyn’s Fourth Workshop on Syntactic Variation. Santiago de Compostela, Galiza. 2013, Abril 18-19.
Zawiszewski A., Santesteban M., Erdocia K.& Laka I. When person meets number: an ERP study on feature processing. Poster presented at 11th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Spain. 2013, March 20-23.
De la Cruz-Pavía, I., Elordieta, G. & Laka, I. On the role of frequency and prosody in the segmentation strategies of adult bilinguals. Poster presented at 11th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Spain, 2013, Marzo 20-23.
Laka, I. Nola ikasi zenuen hitz egiten? [¿Cómo aprendiste a hablar?] Ponente invitada. Jakin-mina, serie de conferencias organizada por Jakiunde, Academia de las Ciencias, de las Artes y de las Letras del País Vasco, BBK Paraninfo, Bilbao. 2013, January.