
I graduated in Basque Studies at UPV/EHU (2018-2022) and I completed a masters in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics at the same university (2022-2023). I have always loved languages and since I began learning how to do simple sintactic analysis at school, I am really interested in the structure of human language. One of my biggest academic interests is  linguistic variation, specially from a morpho-syntactic and typological perspective. In the academic year 2021-2022, thanks to the Ikasiker Research Fellowship [IkasC_2021_1_0042], I collaborated with the research group The Bilingual Mind directed by Itziar Laka; in particular, I have been analyzing detransitivized reflexive and reciprocal structures.
I am currently (2023- ) working on my PhD dissertation within the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics (UPV/EHU) and I am a pre-doctoral researcher at the Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies (UPV/EHU). Besides, I am a member of the research group The Bilingual Mind. Following my previous work, in my PhD thesis I am investigating detransitivized reflexive and reciprocal constructions in Basque under the supervision of Beatriz Fernández (UPV/EHU) and Ane Berro (University of Deusto). Funding for this research comes from the FPU research aid for pre-doctoral researchers [FPU22/01851], provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Research interests:

Syntactic Theory, linguistic typology, detransitivization,  reflexive and reciprocal structures.


(argitaratzear) Bilbao, Kristina, Ane Berro & Beatriz Fernández. Bihurkari eta elkarkari iragangaitzak inpertsonal eta inkoatiboekiko konparazioan. Uztaro.

(2023) Bilbao, Kristina & Cecilia Fernández-Altonaga. Le basque: quelques contrastes pertinents pour l’acquisition du Français Langue Seconde par des locuteurs du Basque. LGMEF: Langues et Grammaires du Monde dans l’Espace Francophone (CNRS- Université Paris 8).

(2023) Bilbao, Kristina. Boz elkarkaria euskaraz: nola ikusi elkar, elkar ikusi gabe. Master Amaierako Lana, UPV/EHU.

(2023) Bilbao, Kristina. Egitura bihurkari eta elkarkari iragangaitzak euskaraz. Kultura Zientifikoko Katedra (ed.) Zientzia Kaiera. UPV/EHU.

(2022) Bilbao, Kristina, Ane Berro & Beatriz Fernández. Inkoatibo/arazleak, bihurkari eta elkarkariak eta beste (alegiazko solasaldiak egitura iragangaiztuez). In Alexander Iribar & Irene Barberia (ed.) Papers on Basque Linguistics in Honor of Jon Andoni Franco ElorzaBilbo: Deustuko Unibertsitatea. 127-146. ISBN 978-84-1325-171-4.

(2022) Bilbao, Kristina. Euskarazko elkarkari iragangaitzak: lexikoak ala sintaktikoak? Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 134. Nafarroako Gobernua. 337-373

(2022) Bilbao, Kristina, Ane Odria, Ane Berro, Josu Landa & Beatriz Fernández. Euskara Bariazioan / Basque in Variation (BiV) (3rd ed.). UPV/EHU. ISBN: 978-84-1319-456-1.


(2021) Inkoatibo/arazleak, bihurkari eta elkarkariak eta beste (alegiazko solasaldiak egitura iragangaiztuez). Bilbao, Kristina & Ane Berro. Euskal Hizkuntzalaritza 2021 DU Jardunaldia. 2021-12-17, Bilbo, Deustuko Unibertsitatea.


Langues & Grammaires en (Ile-de) France, coordinated by Anne Zribi-Hertz & Elena Soare (Université Paris 8/UMR SFL)

August 2022-October 2022: Solving the language puzzle: Basque morphosyntax in variation(PGC2018-096380-B-I00) (Principal Investigator: Beatriz Fernández)

January 2022-June 2022: The Bilingual Mind(IT1439-22). Consolidated Research Group of Excellence. (Principal Investigator: Itziar Laka)


  • Languages:

Basque (mother tongue), Spanish (mother tongue), English (C1), French (B1), German (A2)

  • Grants:

FPU PhD grant (Ayuda para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario) (2023-2027) [FPU22/01851]
Institution: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish Government

Ikasiker Research Fellowship (2021-2022) [IkasC_2021_1_0042]
Institution: Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture of the Basque Government

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