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TURQUOISE-00: Towards an Aquitaine-Euskadi University Hub to promote blue growth and green innovation in the Bay of Biscay

Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre project

Specific programme: Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre Euroregional Funding

UPV/EHU Partner Status: Coordinator
UPV/EHU PI: Prof. Ionan Marigomez

Project start: 13/10/2016
Project end:   12/10/2018

Brief description:  Promoting strategic cooperation amongst socio-economic agents from the Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre Euro-region for cohesive blue growth and green innovation in the Bay of Biscay Pioneering contribution of the Bay of Biscay Universities to catalyse academic and inter-sectoral cooperation to develop innovative methods, products and services provided by marine biological resources (blue growth) under the framework of their sustainable environmentally friendly use and valorisation (green innovation and ocean helth proyection). Turquise should evolve to be the tractor hub for the actors that can contribute to a successful and sustainable development of biological blue growth and green innovation in the Euroregion.