
Contenido de XSL


Área de conocimiento
Biología Celular
Zoología y Biología Celular Animal
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología
Correo electrónico

rofessor of Cell Biology (UPV/ EHU, 2011). Deputy Director of Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology (Plentzia Marine Station) (2012-). Researcher in the Consolidated Research Group Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology. Pre and postdoctoral research studies in: Univ of Wales (Aberystwyth, Cardiff), Univ Innsbruck, Univ Azores. He has supervised 9 PhDs and 3 in progress. Interests on the development and application of biomarkers of effect against exposure to metals in aquatic and terrestrial organisms (earthworms, molluscs, polychaetes, fishes), cellular localization and quantification of metal ions, molecular probes in target cellular compartments, and the transit of metals (aqueous forms, massive forms and nanoparticles), plastics and other contaminants. Responsible of the stranced cetaceans network of the Basque Country. >125 papers and book chapters (>85% in Q1; H= Index= 32), and >300 contributions at national and international conferences (regular presentations and invited talks). PI of research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry, UPV/EHU, Basque Government and contracts. He has participated for the past 15 years of uninterrupted way in European research projects. Evaluator for Agencies (Spanish, Portuguese, UK, Argentina). Founding Member of the Latin American Society of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology. Vicedean of Fcrt/Ztf (2007-2012), Coordinator of Master MER (2012-), Member of Committee: Ethics and Animal Welfare (2009-12

Contenido de XSL