Areas of interest

The Research Group organises its work into three main thematic lines:

1) Political parties, political cultures and sociability. This area concentrates on the study of political parties present in the Basque Country, with a long term analysis, from the formation of particular political cultures in the 19th Century to the present day. It looks into the structure of political parties, their leaders, their symbols and particularly their sociability, through social centres but also formal and informal networks.

2) Collective imagery, symbols, myths and sites of memory. Following a line of research that the Group has been working on for years, the idea is to add new perspectives to the traditional political analysis of national identities in the contemporary Basque Country. Without abandoning a classic focus, we approach the study of symbols, myths and memory sites, crucial to explain the development of political cultures from their origins to the present day. We pay special attention to heroes (and villains) of the different political movements, analysing not only the biographies of particular characters but also the way in which they become heroic figures.

3) National identities, ideology, culture and social change. This line—broader than the previous two—brings together different specific investigations which are being carried out by members of the Group. Without losing the main theme's reference point, we are interested on topics such as history of the press (graphic comedy, in particular), sport, cinema or leisure and food habits (wine, taverns, etc.). Lastly, the Group tries to give an open bearing to its research, comparing the analysis of the Basque Country to other geographical areas. These include Catalonia, Germany and the United States from the 19th Century to the present day.