
Ponencias y comunicaciones en congresos y seminarios de investigación / Conference and Seminar papers:



  • Forthcoming:Documentary festival ecosystems: perspectives from Ibero-america“.
    Visible Evidence conference. University of Udine. September 6-9, 2023.


  • “The role of Bilbao Documentary and Short Film Festival in promoting Latin American cinema: contesting narratives between the festival and its archive” [paper]. Panel 2: Film Festival Histories. Tuesday, 4th July, 2023. 14.00-15.45.
    HoMER @Barcelona Conference, 4 – 7 July 2023. Tecnocampus, Mataró.


  • “Analysing festival ecosystems from a Digital Humanities perspective” [paper].
    Panel: Trending Topics in Film Festival Research: Digital and Ecological Challenges.
    NECS conference. Oslo, June 17, 2023. University of Oslo’s Blindern campus (13-17 June, 2023).


  • “Film Festival Studies from a Digital Humanities Perspective”.
    Seminari di Dottorato. Universitá degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”.
    April 21, 2023. 15:30-18:30.


  • DOCUMENTARY FILM ECOSYSTEMS. Mapping Festivals, Institutes and Networks [Keynote / conferencia plenaria]:
    20th NECS Graduate Workshop conference – Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
    Potsdam, February 14, 2023.


  • Workshop: Rethinking Film Festivals in the Pandemic Era
    Chair: Glyn Davis (University of St Andrews), Antoine Damiens (York University), Skadi Loist (Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf), Kirsten Stevens (University of Melbourne), Aida Vallejo (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU) (online), María Paz Peirano (University of Chile).


  • Building Documentary Ecosystems: Institutes, Festivals, Networks.
    4th May 2022 4pm – 5pm on Teams. Leeds University (UK) (online)
    International Research Centre for Interactive Storytelling (IRIS) – Research Seminar.


  • Festival Ethnographies: An Anthropological Look at Social Interactions and Cultural Exchange in the Festival Context.
    May 18th, 2022. 17:30–18:30 (CET time). Tübingen University Germany (+online). Organised by the scientific network “Animation and Contemporary Media Culture. Challenges and Potentials of Animation Studies in the Digital Era”. 5th Workshop Network Animation and Contemporary Media Culture: Animation Festival, Production, and Industry Studies, May 18/19, 2022.


  • Mapping Documentary Film Institutes and Networks: A Digital Humanities Approach to Collaborative Practices in the Creative Industries. May 4th, 2022. 13:00 (UK time). An IASH Work-in-Progress seminar, delivered by Dr Aida Vallejo (Nominated Fellow 2021-22; University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU).


  • The Documentary Festival Ecosystem.
    April 28th, 2022. Edinburgh Film Seminars. School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. Film and Intermediality.


  • Institutes of the documentary film: networking and collaborative practices in the creative industries.
    Friday, April 22th, 2022. BAFTSS conference, University of St Andrews. 2.30 – 4.15 Session I: 3. Documentary Collaboration and Creativity
    Chair: Philippa Lovatt (University of St Andrews). Aida Vallejo (University of Edinburgh & University of the Basque Country).


  • El ecosistema de festivales de cine documental: redes profesionales y circulación cinematográfica. [Ponencia plenaria / inaugural].
    Colloque International Festivals et dynamiques cinématographiques trans(nationales): formes de production, de circulation et de représentation. 28 de marzo. Toulouse, 28-31 de marzo de 2022.


  • Documentary Film Festivals: transnational crossroads for films and professionals
    BAFTSSS Transnational reading group seminar. February 25, 2022, 12pm ET/5pm GMT. SCMS/ BAFTSS Transnational Cinema – Reading group meeting. Guest Speaker: Dr Aida Vallejo. Online. Organised by Transnational Cinemas & TV Special Interest Group (SIG) of BAFTSS (British Association of Film Television and Screen Studies), in collaboration with SCMS Transnational SIG.
  • Documentary circulation, film festivals and cultural hierarchies: the Basque Context. NECS conference, Palermo/online, June 12,2021. 14:00. Panel k9: Cultural and Political Engagement at Documentary Festivals.


  • “Delimiting the boundaries: for a Taxonomy of Film Festivals in the Basque context”. Workshop: Data Collection and Operationalization of Film Festival Categories. 27-28 May 2021, Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF


  • “Festivales de Cine en tiempos de pandemia”.
    Seminario: Os festivais de cinema e a COVID-19: estratégias de resistência.
    Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal / online (organizado por Tânia Leão).
    5 de mayo de 2021.


  • “Estudiando los festivales de cine documental”
    Seminario de Festivales Audiovisuales del grupo de investigación de festivales de Brasil.

    18 de enero de 2021. Online. Tópico: Reunião Festivais de Cinema com Aida Vallejo. Hora: 18 jan. 2021 01:00 da tarde São Paulo

  • 5th online Film Festival Research Seminar: “Film Festival Research in the Iberoamerican Sphere”. April 23, 2021. Film Festival Seminar round-table: Sreening at a distance
  • Roundtable 2: SCREENING AT A DISTANCE, with Aida Vallejo & Christel Taillibert, Maria Paz Peirano and Estrella Sendra Fernandez.
    The second installment of the Film Festival Research Seminar, took place on Thursday December 10th, 2020.


  • “From the Field to the Data-base. Combining Methods in Film Festival Research” (pre-recorded paper + live discussion)
    Panel: Methodologies in Film Festivals Research
    (pre-recorded presentations + online live discussion 11-12 September 2020)
    London. Birkbeck college. University of London. Watch presentation here:


  • Filling the gap: Documentary Festival Initiatives for Film Distribution” (paper). (CANCELLED)
    London (17 April, 2020; 15:15-17:00). King’s College London (16-18 April, 2020).


  • “Rethinking the Canon: the Role of Film Festivals in Shaping Film History” (paper).
    Venice (Wednesday 12 February 2020; 17:00).
    Universià Ca’Foscari. 11-12.02.2020 Venice /25-26.03.2020 (Bari)
  • El punto de vista en el documental de creación. Aproximaciones narrativas al cine de lo real” (comunicación).
    Bilbao (13-15 Noviembre de 2019).
    Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). 15.11.2019, 16:30-18:30.


  • “Film Festivals in the Basque Country: Opportunities and Constraints for the Circulation of Basque Language Films.” Aida Vallejo and Amaia Nerekan (paper). Production conditions, programming strategies and distribution opportunities (II). October 17, Thursday. 13:30. Venue: The Informatics Forum (University of Edinburgh). Conference: Crowded out or Limitless Horizons? Minority Language-Media in the Digital Age.  (16-17.Oct.2019). University of Edimburgh.


  • Deconstructing documentary narratives in the age of hybrid formats” (paper).
    Panel “Creative Documentary Storytelling”, chaired by Patricia Nogueira. NECS conference. Gdansk, Poland (13-15.06.2019).
    June 2019. 14.06.2019 at 13:45-15:30
    University of Gdańsk


  • Workshop participant: The EUFA initiative at the University of the Basque Country
    Workshop: “Localising European Cinema in Teaching: the Case of the European University Film Award”.
    NECS conference. Gdansk, Poland (13-15.06.2019).
    June 2019. 14.06.2019 at 13:45-15:30.
    University of Gdańsk


  • Aida Vallejo, guest speaker. Documentary Film Festivals.
    Festivals and the Lives of Films.”
    Participants: Prof. Skadi Loist, Dr. Aida Vallejo, Prof. Philippe Meers, Moderator: Marijke de Valck
    Date: May 2nd 2019. Time: 2 – 4 pm. Venue: MCW Lab, Kromme Nieuwegracht 20, Utrech
    The event is organized by the Utrecht Centre for Media Research as part of the ‘media industries’ domain.
    Utrecht University (The Netherlands).


  • Aida Vallejo, guest video-intervention. “Collaborations between Film Festivals and Academia”.
    “Ten Years of Film Festival Studies”.
    Hosted by the IGCCC (Institute of Global Cinema and Creative Cultures, University of St Andrews) and LUNA (London Network of Contemporary Film Exhibition Cultures). With the support of the Birkbeck Interdisciplinary Research in Media and Culture (BIRMAC).
    Birkbeck. University of London. 8th March 2019.


  • Rethinking the History of Documentary at film festivals” (paper).
    Panel “Curating Film Cultures: Film Festivals and the History of Film/Media Studies”, chaired by Aida Vallejo and Antoine Damiens. SCMS conference. Seattle. 13-17 March, 2019. 14.06.2019 at 9:00-10:45
  • Ethnomethodologies. Everything you always wanted to know and never dared to ask” (workshop).
    Organized by Aida Vallejo and María Paz Peirano. NECS conference. Amsterdam. 27-29 June 2018.
  • Festivales de cine documental en el marco Iberoamericano” (paper/ponencia)
    (Jueves 19 octubre 2017, 12:00-14:00). International Conference. Digital Imaginaries of the South: Stories of Belonging and Uprooting in Hispanic Cinemas. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 18, 19 y 20 de octubre de 2017 / October 18-20th, 2017, UC3M / Casa de América. Panel A1: Festivales de cine y territorios geográficos, imaginarios y digitales en el contexto iberoamericano / Film Festivals and Geographic, Imaginary, and Digital Territories in the Ibero American Context.


  • Aida Vallejo (2017) (moderadora) “On Small Cinemas, film festivals and trasntational circulation“, con los expertxs internacionales Dina Iordanova (St Andrews University, Scotland), Margarita Ledo (University of Santiago de Compostela, Galizia) and Ib Bondebjerg (University of Copenhaguen, Denmark).
    Small Cinemas Conference. San Sebastián. 22 de septiembre, 2017. 11:00-13:00.


  • La circulación internacional del documental latinoamericano: una mirada histórica al Festival Internacional de Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao“. [The International Circulation of Latin American Documentary: a Historical View of the International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao]. Dentro del panel: “Redes transnacionales: el documental latinoamericano en los festivales de cine” [Transnational networks: Latin American documentary at film festivals] (coordinado por Aida Vallejo). August 3, 2017.
    VISIBLE EVIDENCE Conference. Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2-6 Agosto 2017.


  • From the Festival to the Museum: Expanded Formats in Documentary Film” [paper]
    NECS conference 2017. 30th June, 9:00-10:45. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (28 June-1 July, 2017).
    Panel “Between Documentary and Experimental Realms: Avant-Doc, Past and Present.
    Co-sponsored by the Workgroups “Documentary Film” and “Cinema & Contemporary Visual Arts”.


  • Film Festivals and the Documentary Canon” [presentation in workhop]
    Workshop organized by Dorota Ostrowska. “Traces: Film Festivals and History”.
    NECS conference 2017. 30th June, 9:00-10:45. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (28 June-1 July, 2017).
  • “Transnational Connections. Film Festivals and Documentary in Latin America and Spain”.
    NECS conference 2016. The University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, in Potsdam (Germany).
    Panel A 12: Film Festivals in Latin America and Spain, Sponsored by Film Festival Research Workgroup.
    Thursday, 28.7.2016, 11:00-13:00 (27-30.July.2016)
  • Aida Vallejo & Stefano Odorico. “Reinventing the Festival Space:  The Challenges of Interactive Documentary Exhibition” [paper]. Panel: i-docs Audiences & Exhibition. Thursday, March 3, 2016. I-docs symposium 2016. “Exploring interactive documentary storytelling”. University of the West of England (Bristol, U.K., 2-4 March).
  • “Documentary Networks: Film Festivals and the Forge of a Cultural Elite in Europe”. Friday, 13th November, 2015. 16:30-18:30.Panel 6: Negotiating Cultural Values: the Industry Side of European Elite Festivals and Global Film Circulation. “European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History”. An ECREA Film Studies Section Conference. European Communication Research and Education Association. University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-14 November.
  • “Film Festivals and the documentary archive” [paper]. Friday 19th, June 2015, 15:45-17:30, room 2.51. Panel H 07 Personal Archives and Documentary Practice. NECS 2015 CONFERENCEUniversity of Łódź. “Archives of/for the Future”. Łódź, Poland, June 18-20, 2015.
  • “A Niche for Creativity: Defining Documentary in the Festival Circuit” [paper] Panel: P11: Film Festivals and the ‘Creative Turn’ in Documentary, SCMS Conference 2015, Montreal (March 25-29). Saturday, March 28, 2015 01:00PM-02:45PM (Session P)
  • “Etnografías del cine: nuevas aproximaciones al estudio de festivales. El circuito documental en Europa” [comunicación].
    22.01.2014 (11:30-13:30). Sesión 2. La Comunicación como Objeto científico de estudio: Revisión de fenómenos y experiencias mediáticas emergentes en Teoría de la Comunicación. Sección: Teorías y métodos de investigación en comunicación.
    IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación AE-IC 2014 “Espacios de comunicación”. Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, 21-24 de enero de 2014.
    English title: “Ethnographies of Cinema: new approaches to the study of film festivals. The European documentary circuit”.
  • “Festivales temáticos y géneros cinematográficos. Del cine fantástico al documental contemporáneo” [ponencia]. Presentada el 30.11.2013. III. Congreso Internacional Del Departamento De Comunicación Audiovisual Y Publicidad (UPV/EHU) – Xiv Congreso Internacional De La Asociación Española De Historiadores Del Cine (A.E.H.C.). Bilbao del 28 al 30 de Noviembre de 2013.
    English title: “Thematic Festivals and Film Genres. From Fantastic Film to Contemporary Documentary”.
  • “Festival translations: documentary production and cultural exchange within Europe” [paper] 29.06.2013
    Screen Conference 2013. Glasgow, Scotland, University of Glasgow, 28-30 June, 2013. Panel: Film Festivals II
  • “The Rise of Documentary Festivals” [paper] 22.06.2013
    NECS Conference 2013 (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies). Prague, Czech Republic, Charles University, 20-22 June, 2013. Panel K3: Politics of Documentary Exhibition
    Título en castellano: El auge de los festivales de cine documental.


  • Workshop NECS Conference 2013 (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies). Prague, Czech Republic, Charles University, 20-22 June, 2013.


  • “Documentary Film Festivals in Europe: A Historical Overview” [paper] 6.03.2013
    SCMS 2013 CONFERENCE (Society for Cinema and Media Studies). Chicago, U.S.A., Drake Hotel, 6-10 March, 2013.
    Panel C5: Documentary Film Festivals: Activism, Education, and Archiving.
  • Industry Sections. Documentary Festivals between Production and Distribution [paper]
    Second Annual SCREEN INDUSTRIES in East-Central Europe Conference: “Cultural Policies and Political Culture”. Brno, Czech Republic (22-25 November 2012). Masaryk University. 24th November, 2012.
  • Festival Dependencies. Documentary, Europe and the Crisis [paper].
    NECS 2012. European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (Lisbon, 21.06.2012).
    Panel C10. Key Festival Challenges: Past, Present and Future. 21st-23th June 2012.
  • “Festival Feedback: Interactions between Creative Documentary and its Distribution Network in the Context of Europe” [paper]. London, 25.06.2011. NECS 2011: European Network for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. Birkbeck and King’s College, University of London, 23-26 June 2011. Panel: Festivals III  The Power of the Circuit: Film Festivals between Distinction, Activism and Industry.
  • “Decoding the New System. Capitalism and Consumerism in Contemporary Eastern and Central European Documentary” [paper].Visible Evidence Conference, Istanbul 11-August-2010. Boğaziçi University, 9-12 August. Panel 2c: From the Battlefield to the Shopping Mall: Contemporary Central and Eastern European Documentaries.

  • “Creating Cultural Networks in Central and Eastern Europe. Documentary Film Festivals in the Beginning of XXI century (2000-2010)” [paper]. NECS 2010: European Network for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. 26.06.2010. 24-27 June, Kadir Has University.
    Panel H2. Film Festivals II: Organizational Perspective. Istanbul.
  • Aida Vallejo, “Nuevos caminos de la falsedad documental. Český Sen: el engaño como estrategia de aproximación a la realidad” [Comunicación]. 9-Nov-2007.
    V Congreso Internacional de análisis textual “Tramas de la verdad”, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 6-9 de Noviembre de 2007.
    English title: “New Paths of Documentary Falsehood: Český Sen: Deceit as a Strategy to Approach Reality”. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress of Textual Analysis: Tramas de la Verdad (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain), 9th November 2007.



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