Save the date! DOCUtalks 2016: 14-15 April

DOCUtalks. Professionals Talk about their International Experience in documentary Filmmaking, Production and Programming.

docutalks2016When?: 14 and 15 of April (2016).
Where?: Auditorium de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación. LEIOA.
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. Campus de Bizkaia.
Timetable: from 10 to 13 and from 14:30 to 17:30
Attendance is free. If you are willing to attend, please send an email to Please note, that it is compulsory to reserve a seat to participate in the role play on Friday afternoon. You can add a note with your preference for a specific role and your level of English.

Language: the first talk (Shooting abroad: Jai Alai Blues) will be offered in Spanish, with simultaneous translation to English. The rest of the talks will be offered in English (bilingual slides will be displayed to facilitate the students’ comprehension, for those with a lower level of English).

See detailed program in pdf: DOCUtalks2016

Programa en castellano y euskera:

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