Prevention decalogues
Decalogue for students

Prevention is the best way of combating Covid-19
- It is the responsibility of all members of the university community to contribute to strict compliance with the protective measures aimed at controlling and reducing transmission of COVID-19.
- You should check yourself at home every day before going to the university. If you have any of the following symptoms you should not go to the university: fever over 37ºC, dry cough, breathing difficulty, loss of sense of smell and taste.
Nor should you go if you have been diagnosed with the illness and/or you are in isolation or quarantine due to close contact with a person with symptoms or diagnosed in the last 14 days, or if you are waiting for the result of diagnostic tests.
If the symptoms appear while you are at the university, you must go to the isolation room in your department, avoiding contact with other people, and contact your primary health centre and the person responsible for COVID-19 in your department. - If you belong to a part of the population vulnerable to COVID-19, you must follow the instructions of your healthcare professional regarding the most appropriate preventive measures.
You must also contact the Student Directorate (, which will ask you to provide evidence of your situation in the form of a medical certificate. Once your situation has been assessed, if appropriate you will be informed of the appropriate measures to apply in your specific case.
We will pay special attention to students with functional diversity or specific educational support needs, as they might need certain adaptations, such as being accompanied by support people and material resources or technical assistance. The people supporting these students must follow the general preventive rules, by maintaining the physical distance from other people. - Do not greet people with kisses or hugs, limit physical contact and remember that shouting, singing and whistling increase the risk of expelling droplets with the virus over a distance.
- You must always make proper use of a face mask (covering from the nasal septum to the chin) in all areas of the university, including shared ones (libraries, dining rooms, cafeterias, study rooms, etc.), irrespective of whether the safety distance between people can be assured.
- Always maintain the safe distance and move about in accordance with the signage in your department.
- Before entering the classroom you must perform hand hygiene. You must also use hydroalcoholic gel before and after going to the bathroom.
- You are recommended to always sit in the same place in classrooms, in order to minimise the number of contacts in case of contagion. Moving tables and chairs is prohibited without a justified reason, of which the teacher must be informed.
- Avoid sharing objects or materials with your colleagues as far as possible, and use hydroalcoholic gel if you do have to. You must keep your personal effects such as a telephone, electronic devices, etc. clean.
- Always follow the recommendations and measures given by the UPV/EHU.