XSL Content

Health Information Systems and e-Health28400

Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups1522.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The main goal of this subject is to provide the fundamentals, techniques and technologies used in health information and telemedicine systems. The organization of health information systems and decision support tools applied to medicine are studied. The format of the electronic medical records and the interoperability requirements both at European and global level are analyzed. Finally, telemedicine systems and telemonitoring devices are studied, as well as the different services provided in e-health applications (emergencies, urgencies, out-of-hospital services, personalized health services and socio-health services).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Tema 01. Organización e integración de sistemas de información de salud.

Tema 02. Herramientas para el soporte a la decisión médica y métodos de aprendizaje automático.

Tema 03. Historia clínica electrónica (HCE), estándares, terminologías y ontologías.

Tema 04. Sistemas de telemedicina y políticas TIC para e-salud.

Tema 05. Dispositivos de telemonitorización y servicios de e-salud.

Tema 06. Clasificación y evaluación de productos y servicios de telemedicina y e-salud.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System