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Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Graduate (1999) and PhD (2008) in Economics, UPV/EHU, and Postgraduate Certificate in European Spatial Planning, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. He teaches International Economics, Development Economics and Regional Economics.

His research covers a wide range of issues related with urban and regional development that can be summarized in four areas: the local development strategies: the influence of urban form on socio-spatial disparities; urban renewal strategies and their impact on neighbourhoods; and the relationship between institutions, distributive politics and regional development. Some recent articles inhclude:

Gainza, X. & Livert, F. (2021). The electoral bias: the political economy of subnational transfers in Latin America. Regional Studies.

Livert, F., Gainza, X. & Acuña, J. (2019). Paving the electoral way: urban infrastructure, partisan politics and civic engagement. World Development, 124.

Livert, F., & Gainza, X. (2018). Distributive politics and spatial equity: the allocation of public investment in Chile. Regional Studies, 52(3), 403-415.

Gainza, X. (2018). Industrial spaces for grassroots creative production: spatial, social and planning facets. European Planning Studies, 26(4), 792-811.

Gainza, X. (2017). Culture-led neighbourhood transformations beyond the revitalisation/gentrification dichotomy. Urban Studies, 54(4), 953-970.