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Teaching staff

Igor Etxabe Iruretagoiena

Knowledge area
Economic History and Institutions
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Deusto (2003) and PhD in Business Management, Knowledge and Innovation from the University of the Basque Country (2018). His research focuses on the analysis of networks and social capital that encourage economic development, both in formal structures (clusters, interlocking directorates...) and informal environments (family, schools, civil associations...). His most recent works include Measuring structural social capital in a cluster policy network: insights from the Basque Country (2016), Measuring social capital with Twitter within the Electronics and ICT Cluster of the Basque Country (2018) and Social capital in Eibar, 1886-1985: dimensions, institutions and outcomes (2018). He currently collaborates as an external referee for the journal Economics of Innovation and new Technology.

He also graduated in Teaching (Foreign Language) at the University of the Basque Country (2008) and participates in several teaching innovation initiatives. He co-authors, among other works, the role game Vivir en 1700. Juego de simulación de una economía preindustrial (2013), the case study Pan para hoy… ¿Hambre para mañana? (2015) or the paper Economic History: with another sight (2019) and lectures training courses within the Prest Gara program promoted by the Basque Government.