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Undergraduate and PhD degrees in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, in both cases with Extraordinary Prize. Since 1989 he works as teacher and researcher at UPV/EHU, where he is full professor in the area of algebra.

Member of the research group in Group Theory at the Department of Mathematics. Principal investigator of regional, national and international projects of this group, and host supervisor for ERC Starting Grants, Marie Curie Fellowships, and Juan de la Cierva programme.

His research interests focus on group theory, with special emphasis on finite p-groups and pro-p groups, on word problems, and on groups of automorphisms of rooted trees. The Spanish National Agency for Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation evaluated positively his research for 4 six-year periods, corresponding to the whole of his career.

Author of 50 research papers, both in journals specialised in algebra (Journal of Algebra; Groups, Geometry and Dynamics; Journal of Group Theory...) and in general purpose mathematical journals (Transactions AMS; Proceedings AMS; Journal of the LMS; Proceedings of the LMS…).

Awarded twice as Excellent Teacher in the Docentiaz evaluation programme of UPV/EHU. Supervisor of 5 PhD theses, all with international doctorate label, and experienced supervisor of postdoctoral researchers.

He has organised a number of international conferences, and he was coordinator of the Iberian Network of Group Theory for 3 years.