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Advances in Neuropsychopharmacology

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
FULLAONDO ELORDUI-ZAPATERIECHE, ASIERUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado


Conocimiento actualizado de las áreas más activas de la Biología Molecular y la Biomedicina.20.0 %
Experiencia de trabajo en un laboratorio de investigación en el área.20.0 %
Capacidad para comenzar el trabajo experimental conducente al doctorado.20.0 %
Capacidad para comprender y, a nivel básico, evaluar críticamente un artículo de investigación en las áreas objeto del Máster.20.0 %
Capacidad para iniciar una tesis doctoral.20.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Expositive classes98.039 %
Group discussion11.01 %
Individual work and/or group work5.00 %
Text analysis11.01 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Assessment of written work by the Tribunal0.0 % 10.0 %
Attendance and participation0.0 % 60.0 %
Critical debate in the classroom0.0 % 20.0 %
Practical tasks0.0 % 10.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

Capacidad para comprender y, a nivel básico, evaluar críticamente un artículo de investigación en las áreas objeto del Máster.

Capacidad para iniciar una tesis doctoral.

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation

Class attendance is compulsory, and attendance of 80% or more is required to pass the course. Attendance and participation, questions, discussion of articles, 80% of the evaluation Written work (The teacher will indicate the central points of each session, so that the students develop a short work (5-10 pages) of a subject of the program, at their choice) 20%.

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

Taking a written test of the entire syllabus.

This method of assessment could be changed if the guidelines of the health authorities so provide. The appropriate modifications would be announced in due course, with the necessary strategies and tools to guarantee the right of the student to be evaluated with equity and fairness.


Topic 1 Interneuronal communication molecules and their receptors.

Topic 2 Neurotransmission in the CNS.

Topic 3 Transduction and Effector Systems

Topic 4 Animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders

Topic 5 Neurobiology of schizophrenia

Topic 6 Antipsychotic drugs

Topic 7 Managing the Schizophrenic Patient

Topic 8 Neurobiology of Depression

Topic 9 Antidepressant Drugs

Topic 10 Therapeutic management of the depressed patient

Topic 11 The perception of pain and temperature

Topic 12 Opioid analgesic drugs

Topic 13 Opiates: Tolerance and dependence

Topic 14 Neurobiological basis of anxiety

Topic 15 Anxiolytic drugs

Topic 16 Pharmacological Therapeutics of Anxiety Disorders

Topic 17 Dementias

Topic 18 Neurobiological Basis of Parkinson's Disease Theme 19 Anti-Parkinsonian Drugs

Topic 20 Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

Topic 21 Neurobiology of addictive disorders

Topic 22 Drugs of abuse

Topic 23 Treatment of addictive processes

Topic 24 Neurobiology of Epilepsy

Topic 25 Anti-epileptic drugs

Topic 26 Therapeutic strategies in epileptic disorders


Compulsory materials

For each individual subject included in the program the student will be provided by the instructors with additional teaching aids (i.e Power Point presentations and other specialized references as reviews or research articles).

Basic bibliography

Farmacología Humana. Ed: Flórez J., Masson S.A., 4ª Edición, 2003.

Basic Neurochemistry. Molecular, Celular and Medical Aspects. Ed: Siegel GJ, et al. Elsevier, 7ª Edición, 2006.

Principios de Neurociencia. Ed: Kandel E. Mc Graw Hill, 4ª Edición, 2000.

Neurobiology of Mental Illness. Ed: Charney DS and Nestler E J. Oxford University Press. 2ª ed. 2004. Psychiatry. Ed: Rhoda K.H et al., Current Clinical Strategies medical book. 2006

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