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Knowledge area
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Jorge Lázaro Domínguez

Title: Profesor Titular de Escuela Universitaria

Department: Matemática Aplicada

Centro: Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao

E-mail: jorge.lazaro@ehu.eus

Tlf: 94 601 4150

Industrial Engineer (Electrical specialty) in 1990 and Doctor Industrial Engineer in 2007 by the UPV / EHU.

His teaching work is developed in the Department of Applied Mathematics, where he teaches, among others, the subject Calculus along the frst year of Grado de Tecnología Industrial. He also collaborates with the Department of Electrical Engineering as a teacher in the Master ‘Integración de las Energías Renovables en el Sistema Eléctrico’. He obtained the DOCENTIAZ credentials in 2017.

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