

Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2016/11/22

In the frame of the Postgraduate Program of Environmental Agrobiology we organized some Advanced Seminars for master students and doctorate student related with areas soil degradation/contamination, and soil restoration using a phytomagement technology approach. These areas are related with the objectives of the Interreg Phytosudoe Project. The objectives of the seminars are to disseminate recent results of the projects and stimulate the contact of senior and relevant researchers with post-doctorates, postgraduate students (doctorate and master students). The active participation of postgraduate students through presentations of their research results in the Seminars pursue a better formation of students on dissemination research activities and maximize their critical thinking.

In these Seminars the participate several speakers related with the groups of NEIKER and UPV/EHU participating in the PhytoSudoe project: (i) senior researchers of the Phytosudoe Project Dr. Michel Mench (INRA/University of Bordeaux) and Dr. Carlos Garbisu (NEIKER); (ii) postgraduate researchers: Anders Lanzén (NEIKER) and María T. Gómez-Sagasti (UPV/EHU) and (iii) the doctorate student Rafael Gómez supervised by José M. Becerril (UPV/EHU) and Carlos Garbisu. Title of the talks and other information about the speakers and the organization can be consulted in the booklet for dissemination of the Seminars.


Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2016/11/22

After the establishment of marks on the 18 plots and the application of an organic compost (18/10/2016), on November 15th, 2016 we initiated the physico-chemical characterization of the Jundiz site (Alava, Spain). We sampled the soil (topsoil) of this site (S5) for basic agronomic parameters of soil, as previous analysis indicated the absence of contaminants in this degraded soil. This site will be planted in spring with rape plants for biodiesel production and with willow trees inoculated with mycorrhizae for biomass production.

XVI Science, Technology and Innovation Week. University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2016/11/23

The "XVI Science, Technology and Innovation Week" was celebrated during past November 2-6, 2016 in the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In this event the "Biosystem" stand, in which several members of EKOFISKO group participated, was presented. In this stand, a general view of biosystems (from the most basic unit (the cell) to the most complex), the interrelations between them as well as the significance of Plant Kingdom on them, were displayed. In addition, a workshop denominated "Essence of Plant World" was presented in collaboration with "Aula de la Naturaleza del Jardín Botánico Ramón Rubial (Barakaldo)". This workshop showed the plant world and its importance in our quality of life by different presentations, activities and a walk through the botanic garden. In relation to Interreg Phytosudoe Project, ecotoxicological bioassays in polluted soil and water with different plant species were showed to demonstrate the toxic effects in live organisms.

2017/07/13 LEARNING FROM OTHERS IN THE II EDITION OF SUMMER COURSE RELATED TO PHYTOSUDOE PROJECT: "Energetic cultivars and phytoremediation: A model of circular economy"

Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2017/09/28

(Beste leiho bat zabalduko du)

The summer course entitled "Energetic cultivars and phytoremediation: A model of circular economy", was organized by the Environmental Studies Center (CEA) in collaboration with the Summer Courses of University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU). It was celebrated on July 13th and 14th and apart from the organizers; other Phytosudoe project members took part on it. The talks were about different aspects of polluted soils, but almost all were related with the benefits of using different photosynthetic organisms and microorganisms in the phytomanagement (phytoremediation-bioaugmentation) of contaminated areas. Different work experiences, under different environmental conditions, different soil characteristics were presented. Through the use of different plant species, the importance of these studies for the recovery of the soil health was demonstrated. What is more, the economical and social benefits of these studies was considered and discussed by all the participants. For more information about the talks, click on large image, were all the presentations are available.
Apart from the theoretical part, to conclude the course, a tour through the Vitoria-Gazteiz Phytosudoe project experimental sites (S5 y S6) was carried out. There, we comment with the rest of participants our working experience, obtaining good critics and some suggestions to improve our results. They also learned about our working method and proposed treatments.
The valuation of the course was very positive so, it is expected that the third and last edition of the Summer Phytosudoe Courses will be carry out the next year.


Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2017/09/28


During June and July 2017, several samplings were carried out in Phytosudoe experimental sites S5a, S5b and S6 for characterizing the soil and plant health. The sampling time was based on the maximum growth period of poplar and willow trees planted and rapeseed harvest time. The samplings carried out included the following in situ and ex situ measurements:



Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2017/09/28

The inoculation is the addiction of commercial spores to a cultivated field in order to increase the crop survival. In the presence of water and favorable temperatures, the spores emerge, forming active funguses that have the capacity of forming mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae are the association between a fungus and a plant. They appear in the roots and they facilitate the acquisition of water and nutrients from the soil, as their extension is much bigger than that of plant roots. Hence, they facilitate enormously the plants life.
In this study, as soils are not very productive beucase they lack nutrients, the inoculation was considered as a complementary treatment to demonstrate its effectiveness in both Populus sp. var Baldo and var AF18 as well as in Salix var Olof The inoculation was carried out in different moments along the experiments:


Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2017/09/28

The 28th of July, the rapeseed was harvested in collaboration with Neiker-Teknalia, which is a collaborator in Phytosudoe project. They have farmers working in the enterprise as well as the appropriated machinery. More concretely, they used a small harvester not to make interferences in the willow plantation. Hence, it is possible to make two parallel routes between the willow plantations in each plot. The production of each plot was separated to know the real production. Apart from the estimation of rapeseed production in this way, we also calculated the rapeseed production though the calculation of the number of rapeseed individuals per area.  

Ayudas para apoyar las actividades de grupos de investigación del Sistema Universitario Vasco

J.M. Becerril Soto
2016-tik 2021 arte
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Gobierno Vasco