Eduki publikatzailea

Yuri Rueda Estévez


Posta elektronikoa

Profil akademikoa

Biokimikan lizentziatua eta Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko doktorea.


Irakasle Atxikia UPV/EHU-ko Fisiologia Sailean

Giza Fisiologia. Fisioterapiako Graduko 1ngo maila

Medical Biochemistry (Biokimika Medikoa). Medikuntzako Graduko 1ngo maila

Ikerketa Proiektua. Medikuntzako Graduko 3. maila

Tecnología Molecular en Biomedicina (Teknologia Molekularra Biomedikuntzan). Ikerketa Biomedikoa Masterra

Argitalpenak (Ikerketa)

"Association of SND1 protein to low density lipid droplets in liver steatosis". Garcia-Arcos I, Rueda Y, González-Kother P, Palacios L, Ochoa B, Fresnedo O. J Physiol Biochem 2010; 66(1):73-83. doi: 10.1007/s13105-010-0011-0

"Lipid analysis reveals quiescent and regenerating liver-specific populations of lipid droplets". García-Arcos I, González-Kother P, Aspichueta P, Rueda Y, Ochoa B, Fresnedo O. Lipids 2010. 45(12):1101-8. doi: 10.1007/s11745-010-3492-2

"A role for transcription factor E2F2 in hepatocyte proliferation and timely liver regeneration". Delgado I, Fresnedo O, Iglesias A, Rueda Y, Syn WK, Zubiaga AM, Ochoa B. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2011. 301(1):G20-31. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00481.2010

"Infection of primary hepatocytes with adenoviral vectors alters biliary lipid metabolism". Rueda Y, Garcia-Arcos I, Aspichueta P, Ochoa B, Palacios L, Fresnedo O. J Physiol Sci 2013. 63(3):225-9. doi: 10.1007/s12576-013-0260-0

"Involvement of lipid droplets in hepatic responses to lipopolysaccharide treatment in mice". Arisqueta L, Nuñez-Garcia M, Ogando J, Garcia-Arcos I, Ochoa B, Aspichueta P, Fresnedo O, Rueda Y. Biochim Biophys Acta 2013. 1831(8):1357-67. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2013.04.015

"Basolateral expression of GRP94 in parietal cells of gastric mucosa". Arin RM, Rueda Y, Casis O, Gallego M, Vallejo AI, Ochoa B. Biochemistry (Mosc) 2014. 79(1):8-15. doi: 10.1134/S0006297914010027

"The A2B adenosine receptor colocalizes with adenosine deaminase in resting parietal cells from gastric mucosa". Arin RM, Vallejo AI, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O, Ochoa B. Biochemistry (Mosc) 2015. 80(1):120-5. doi: 10.1134/S0006297915010149

"Cholesterol mobilization from hepatic lipid droplets during endotoxemia is altered in obese ob/ob mice". Arisqueta L, Navarro-Imaz H, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O. J Biochem 2015. 158(4):321-9. doi: 10.1093/jb/mvv047

"Stimulation of gastric acid secretion by rabbit parietal cell A(2B) adenosine receptor activation". Arin RM, Vallejo AI, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O, Ochoa B. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2015. 309(12):C823-34. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00224.2015

"SND1 overexpression deregulates cholesterol homeostasis in hepatocellular carcinoma". Navarro-Imaz H, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O. Biochim Biophys Acta 2016. 1861(9 Pt A):988-996. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2016.05.011

"Expression of Adenosine A2B Receptor and Adenosine Deaminase in Rabbit Gastric Mucosa ECL Cells". Arin RM, Vallejo AI, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O, Ochoa B. Molecules 2017. 22(4). pii: E625. doi: 10.3390/molecules22040625

"Adenosine: Direct and Indirect Actions on Gastric Acid Secretion". Arin RM, Gorostidi A, Navarro-Imaz H, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O, Ochoa B. Front Physiol 2017. 8:737. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00737

"High-fat diet overfeeding promotes nondetrimental liver steatosis in female mice". Arisqueta L, Navarro-Imaz H, Labiano I, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2018. 315(5):G772-G780. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00022.2018

"Channeling of newly synthesized fatty acids to cholesterol esterification limits triglyceride synthesis in SND1-overexpressing hepatoma cells". Navarro-Imaz H, Chico Y, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids 2019. 1864(2):137-146. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2018.11.004

Argitalpenak (Dibulgazioa)

"Behazun gatzen garraioaren fisiologia". Rueda Y, Aspichueta P, Fresnedo O. Ekaia 2011. 24:37-61

"Zitosoleko lipido-tanten sorrera eta erabilera. (Formation and utilization of cytosolic lipid droplets)". Navarro-Imaz H, Arisqueta L, Rueda Y, Fresnedo O. Ekaia 2017. 31:33-43. doi: 10.1387/ekaia.16388