Ekitaldien historikoa

Ekitaldien agenda ZTF-FCT (2019ko ekainaren 10eko astea)

Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2019/06/07

Astelehena, 2019ko ekainaren 10ean

Workshop and Conferences for PhD candidates in Environmental Sustainability INGURU-DOK 2019 “Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Biomedican Applications”. Dr. Luis M. Liz-Marzán (Ikerbasque Research Professor, Scientific Director CIC-BiomeGUNE).
Organized by the PhD programme “Contaminación y Toxicología Ambientales/Environmental Contamination and Toxicology” CTA/ECT within the INGURU-DOK Workshop and Conferences for PhD candidates in Environmental Sustainability, together with MER and ECIPP PhD programmes.
Biology Seminar Room B

Asteazkenean, 2019ko ekainaren 12an

BioForo hitzaldia. Master in Molecular Bology and Biomedicine “How to maintain a stable genome? A passenger perspective” Susanne Lens (Molecular Cancer Research, University Medical Center Utrecht. The Netherlands)
BioForo-ek antolatuta
Adela Moyua Gela

Asteazkenean, 2019ko ekainaren 12an

BioSciences&Medicine mintegiak “The metalloproteinase Adam10 controls cell fate choices in dental epithelium” Lucía Jimenez (Cell Biology and Histology)
Ugo Mayorek antolatuta
Gradu Aretoa. 

Ostiralean, 2019ko ekainaren 14an

Sarien banaketa "Inkesten eta Esperimentuen Kabia"
Matematika Aplikatua, Estatistika eta Ikerkuntza Operatiboa sailak antolatuta
Gradu Aretoa