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Fildena | Sildenafil Purple Pill for Men's Health

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Fildena | Sildenafil Purple Pill for Men's Health

  • Buy Fildena Online, sometimes known as the purple pill, is an oral medication used to treat male erectile dysfunction. Blood vessel muscles become relaxed and smooth, increasing blood flow through the penis.
  • Fildena 100 contains Sildenafil Citrate, which aids men in achieving or maintaining an erection pleasing enough to allow sexual intimacy.
  • Fildena 150 is composed of the salt Sildenafil citrate. This salt, which is a main component of Fildena 100, acts as a vasodilator. A vasodilator dilates blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow freely. 
  • However, Sildenafil citrate is not the sole active ingredient in Fildena 100. Fildena 100 is a PDE5 inhibitor as well. That is, it aids in the regulation of the phosphodiesterase5 enzyme in the penis. It will operate in conjunction with Sildenafil citrate to enhance blood flow and Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP), resulting in an erection. 
  • Sildenafil Fildena Super Active should be taken orally and then swallowed. Avoid chewing on the pills, as well as breaking or crushing them with your teeth, while they are in your mouth.
  • Water is the greatest viable solution for ingestion to avoid irregularities. Grapefruit juice, as well as any other alcoholic beverage, should be avoided. Any fluid liquid that may contain dissolved addictive substances or drugs should be avoided.